Chapter 22 - Sharing the truth

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I saw Dr. William press the gun's trigger. It wasn't a normal gun that shoots deadly bullets, it's a gun that shoots small syringes that contains chemicals. Perhaps the gun he is holding has a chemical that activates my neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA to make me fall asleep.

I think they want revenge. They just don't know that I didn't do it.

I prepared myself for the impact of the bullet, but I saw a small magnet get thrown pass my head and it caught the bullet as it grazes close to me. I see. They use metal syringes, maybe to make people think they were shot by an actual bullet.

I look to my right and saw Blake activate the Tesla Gun. I then had the realization that she was also the one who threw the magnet.

'Are you okay?' Blake asked me as I was catching my breath, the Gravity Gun held tightly by my right hand.

'Yeah. Thanks for saving my life.' I replied, I look around and saw that the other soldiers were knocked out cold, but considering that the Tesla Gun was used on them, they are going to suffer a lot once they wake up.

'Do you know who this is? You seemed troubled when you faced him like you don't want to kill him or do anything bad to him for that matter.' Blake asked.

'I know him. He is Dr. William Grayson Smith. He was one of the scientists who helped me make the machine that accidentally sent me to your dimension.' I responded. 'Is he dead?' I asked her. She looked at him with a confident look and moved her eyes back at me.

'It's a good thing I only used 1/4 of the Tesla's original voltage. They won't die, they're just going to be unconscious for a while.' she responded. I sigh in belief as I stand up.

'We should find a safe place to hide in and bring him with us. We need some information about this war. He also mentions that he was going to get revenge on me, technically the other me, which means he knows something.' I said. Blake nodded in response and she lead the way as I activate the Gravity Gun to carry Dr. William with us.

'Now might be the best time to activate your invisibility.' Blake looked at me after she looked at the window. She points outside and crouched immediately, pulling me down with her.

I take a look outside and saw a lot of soldiers. Not good. I activated the Invisibility Mode and attached a chunk of my Assistant on Blake and Dr. William. 'Time to escape.' I said.

We went outside of the building at the opposite side of where the soldiers are. We started to run quickly while trying to find a safe place to hide.

'There!' Blake said as she points at a building. 'We can hide in there.' she added. She is pointing at a bank which is a reasonable place to hide in, because of the large vaults we can lock ourselves in.

'Let's go.' I said and we run to it. We went inside the bank and like everywhere else, it's abandoned. We walked around, trying to find a big vault.

'Isn't that a vault? It's big! There's a lot of space inside. Let's go.' she said. The vault has been looted, no money inside. I should've expected this to be honest.

I deactivated the Invisibility and the Gravity Gun. Blake closed the vault's door and I think we can't be heard outside of this building. Good.

'Now it's a waiting game. We need to wait for him to wake up.' Blake said while sitting Dr. William on a chair. I know this will end up in interrogating him once he does wake up. I wonder how we're going to ask him and expect the true answer.

'No need to wait. I have this.' I responded to Blake's statement while holding a syringe that has a tag saying 'Consciousness Activator' which I think will wake him up.

'Where did you get that and why do you have that?' Blake asked me, one eye brow raised with a questioning look.

'In his bag. While we were running, I went ahead and checked his bag just in case he has a tracker or perhaps a suicidal bomb with him. I know how crazymad that guy can be. People here will rather die than give information to the enemy.' I said as I roll up Dr. William's sleeves, preparing to inject it to him.

'Can I take a look in that bag?' Blake asked me while handing out her right hand over to me. I kindly gave it to her and I prepared to find the best spot to inject it. Perhaps his Medin Cubital Vein should do the job.

As I press the chemical into his body, Blake took out a long rope and another syringe from Dr. William's bag. This guy sure does bring a lot of drugs with him, which I think I should be expecting considering he is a chemist.

'We can tie him up to his chair with this and inject this to him.' Blake said as she points out the tag of the syringe. It says 'Brain Limiter'. I took it. At the back of the tag shows the chemical compound of what it has. It has an extreme amount of substance found in beers. As I try to understand it further, it all makes sense now.

'This chemical in this syringe limits the brain's capacity of making false information. It disrupts the capacity of imagination and therefore, makes a person unable to lie. It's a truth serum, basically.' I pointed out to Blake.

'Good. We can use that to find out what is going on here. If there's still any chance of stopping this war before it becomes worse.' Blake said as she ties a rope around Dr. William's body. After just 10 seconds of silence after our little conversation, the man tied up woke up.

'Where am I? What the- What's going on here?' he said as he struggles to get up. I don't think he knows that he is tied up.

'Listen, fart brain, I will explain to you what happened. First, just have an open mind to what I am about to say. The guy who looks like me isn't me. You see, when we did our operation-' he cuts me off from my discussion. He spits out at the floor. Don't ask me why, I don't know either.

"Listen, scumbag, I won't believe a thing you say unless you can guarantee me that you are telling the truth.' he said, emphasising the term be used to call me. 'I know what you're capable of. You even went ahead and killed the president's daughter dressed up as a Russian soldier.' he added.

I took a huge sigh as I motion to Blake to give me the 'Brain Limiter' syringe and injected it to myself. She was shocked at first, but she soon noticed that there were still a lot in the bag.

'I hope this will be enough to convince you that I am not lying.' I said.

'How do you know about that?' he asked as he shows confusion in his tone and his facial features.

'I studied astrophysics and chemistry you idiot. Of course I know what this is based on the chemical compounds and ingredients.' I said to him, intensely staring at his eyes which I think scared him.

'Okay, now what is going on?' he asked.

Me and Blake took turns discussing what happened for the whole time I was gone in the other dimension. Dr. William was skeptical and doubtful of Blake at first, but after she injected herself with that truth serum, he believed her whole.

It was like reminding ourselves of the adventures in that dimension. I even said that my Assistant also recorded and kept track of everything we did, just in case the world doesn't fall apart. At least I still have solid proof as AIs never lie.

Coming to think of it, I am technically the one responsible for this war because if I didn't travel through space accidentally, the none of this would've happened. I'm just glad that I was able to prove the existence of other dimensions and proved the Many Worlds Theory. If I do die in this war, then my Assistant will tell my tale.

'I will just make the story of what happened brief, but a lot has happened since then.' he stopped talking as I pointed a finger out. Blake took a look at me with a questioning face perhaps because I stopped someone from telling us the entire past which we had been waiting for since like forever.

'Better have this.' I said with a smile appearing on my face. 'You too must have this, to avoid any lies.' I added as I injected the truth serum into him.

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