Chapter 3 - Travis

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'Welcome to my laboratory, Jack.' she said to me. I can see the laboratory, it has a large-sized glass dome as a roof of a 2-floor building. It is impressive, even for me.

'Just what form of scientist are you? This is a big place for an unknown talent.' I told her. Since she positioned this laboratory in a forest, I thought she would be a Botanist, but that's just a wild guess.

'I am an Astrologist, you might be asking yourself why I placed it in a forest, right?' she said, and it's relatable. I nodded and she continues, 'My brother lives with me in this laboratory, after the incident at my house, he doesn't let me go there anymore. He is a Botanist and he was trying to experiment on plants by making them defend this place, it hasn't always been a pleasant decision, I can say that.' the last bit made me chuckle, a little.

'What's your brother's name, by the way?' my curious side took hold.

'Travis, he isn't that strict, nor kind. He is that mediocre guy who goes quiet when not talked to.' she said, this sparks my curiosity even more. She gestured something at the CCTV Camera and the doors opened like Elevator Shafts. Right away, I smell a weird scent of perfume. It had that sleepy toxin mixed in, and it also wasn't pleasant.

'What's this scent I'm smelling?' I ask her, trying to find out what this thing is.

'It's a chemical that does two things, one is to temporarily disable the plants so it won't attack us and two, is to kill trespassers. Don't inhale the gas by the way.' she said. Jeez, woman, at least warn me about that, I might get myself killed trying to get inside of this place.

She gestures for me to go inside, and as a precaution, I do what she does because she knows what this place is about, I don't. We went in a room where it scans our bodies, head to toe, it seems like something from one of those James Bond movies, kinda. Blake was shined at with green light while I was with red, I might be under attack now.

'Travis! This is Jack, there's a lot of things to explain but just let him go inside.' she yelled. I forgot about the incident of my other me killing her family, I wonder if Travis will listen.

'By the way, there's two Travis in this place. One is a robot and the other is my brother, he named the robot after himself, he was that smart. He sometimes doesn't know who I am talking to, him or the robot, but oh well.' she said. I am starting to think that Travis is a psycho. 

More doors opened like Elevator Shafts, I am getting one of those once I get back. Immediately, I was greeted by this tall blonde, guy, wearing all black. 

'Jack, this is Travis. Travis, this is Jack.' Blake introduced me to each other like a family reunion.

'Yeah, I know who he is. He's the one who killed your family, I am extremely surprised that you brought him here with you.' Travis said, arms crossed, deadly stare. Just like Blake, he seems very familiar to me, I can't put my finger on it.

'Long story short, he is from another place in the Multiverse. He used a Time Machine but instead of making his travel through time, he traveled through space and he ended up here. I'll discuss the rest with you later.' Blake said, Travis tried very hard to process it and headed back to what he was doing, work, I presume.

Blake motioned me to get closer and whispered into my ear. 'He really doesn't know anything about Astronomy, kind of his weakness. He doesn't even know what Space and Time Travel is. He is more of that down to Earth guy who doesn't care about other planets and celestial bodies of the outer space.' I nodded, one part of me thinks that she also is a psycho but who am I to judge?

We left the lobby and I followed her to the stairs. My inside mind would think that they should've had Elevators since they already have Elevator Shaft Doors, the thought of it makes me laugh inside. We walked up the stairs which felt like years of agony, my feet hurt and I just had to ask.

'Why don't you guys have an Elevator? These stairs are killing me.' I asked, waiting for a common sense answer, she looked back at me.

'Because we don't want to.' she responded. Great, what a nice answer.

We reached the top of what we were climbing, and let me tell you what, it wasn't a pleasant sensation. I've been using the word pleasant in a negative way, have you noticed that? Well maybe because this place isn't pleasant as the one way back home.

At the top of the stairs was a corridor with 5 doors, one has a sign that says Travis' Room and the other has Blake's Room. The other two has a deceased, I assume it was their parents since I haven't met them yet and she hasn't said anything about them up to this point. The last door unmentioned was one at the end of the corridor, it has a text saying Desagradable Space Telescope. I reached into my Assistant and asked what it means. Guess what? It means 'Unpleasant'. At least I know they are already aware that this place is unpleasant, a bit.

She stepped in a room and said, 'You can sleep in this room here, it was formerly owned by my mother but she sadly passed away because of Lung Cancer your other you made, my father died in a car accident which was also done by your other you.' that statement sounded depressing, my other me really made a mess around here. Thinking about that gives me shivers of what he will do back at my home.

'Thank you, I really appreciate it.' I responded, hiding the sadness. She went outside of the room and entered the room farthest from the stairs. We entered it and I saw a huge machine, hiding behind the big glass dome. It looks like a telescope, I mean, what should I expect? There's already a sign outside saying Space Telescope. It's not an ordinary one, no. It looks like the Hubble Space Telescope from back home. Maybe it also has a satellite orbiting this world that can amplify or magnify the viewing angles they see.

I can also see a few computers and a big monitor, perhaps for presentations maybe. My jaw is dropped the entire time because I was amazed at what this place has, maybe it's not as unpleasant as I think it is, but then again, my Assistant told me that Desagradable, which this place was named, means unpleasant. Better watch out for whatever this unpleasant thing is.

I look over at Blake, seemingly observing me. 'Surprised? Or Disgusted?' she asks me. I'm going to be honest with my answer. 'Surprised, I never knew other dimensions of the Multiverse was this advanced.'

'Well, there is the Parallel Universe Theory. Ever heard of that?' she asks me, and I do.

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