Chapter 10 - Hidden Floor

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Do you guys remember when I said this place has 2 floors? I was wrong, completely wrong. There are 4 floors here total, including where we're currently at, near the glass dome. The other floor was apparently hidden, which was positioned at the middle of the 1st and 2nd floor. Cool right? Wanna know how I know? Nothing exciting, I looked at my map and asked Blake about it. We're going to be working at the hidden floor, she said. It's so hidden, she said Travis doesn't even know it exists.

'So, you're saying that this floor is hidden, even your roommate doesn't know about it? How does that even happen?' I asked. This is something phenomenal, I wish I can do that back at home so those dumb copycat scientists don't copy me.

'It's pretty easy, actually. All you have to do is work on your thing when the other person is not with you.' she replied. Oh great, I can already do that. It's just the mess and the exposed crafts that I'm worried about. They might not know what I'm doing when they're not around but they can easily know by looking at their surroundings.

'That doesn't work when you leave a massive mess or if you didn't finish the project. That's an automatic revelation.' I replied. We started walking to the Elevator while talking, might be going to the hidden elevator. No one is surprisingly around, might be at the party. 

'You can just spray it with Invisibility Fumes from plants called Mezclando con el Entorno. Do you guys don't have one of them?' she asked. What is a Mezclando con el Entorno? Better translate it right away while we're entering the Elevator.

'Hang on while I translate it. What does it do? Make everything it touches go Invisible?' I said. I allowed my Speculating Mind get a hold of me.

'Yeah. For either 8 or 10 hours. The Fume basically attaches to the Nucleus of an atom. The Fume will cause the Atom to be chemically pounded and it will cause it to become transparent, making a chemical reaction that can make an entire object go Invisible. It was a fine discovery by me and the explanation to it is still ongoing, not done with the Hypothesis yet.' she responded.

'Then why didn't you use one back at the damn place we were in earlier?' I asked.

'Because I didn't have one on me. I had to destroy the spare ones so I Travis won't discover it. I don't want him messing around with it, he might mix it with his mutating disgusting plants. Besides, it's not good for human flesh.' she responded.

'Do you only need to spray one part of it and then it will do its own job?' I asked. I need one of these, badly.

'Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I usually don't take the risk so I spray the whole thing.' she responded. We exit the Elevator into the hidden floor.

'So how does this floor stay invisible then if it only lasts for 8 to 10 hours?' I asked. This seems to be intriguing. We're currently walking in a hallway.

'It doesn't. I don't know if you noticed but each entrance and vehicles here are locked using fingerprints. Once our fingerprints are detected, we are allowed to use it. If someone tries to steal it, the alarm goes off and they get trapped by the car automatically.' she responded. There's at least one thing I realize, it's that this place's technology is way better and badass than the mine way back home.

'So how does that connect?' I asked. 

'Well, if the machine picks up on Travis' fingerprints, the mechanism up here activates. It first makes sure that the floor is Invisible, if it is, it scans and calculates approximately for how long, if not, it activates the Dispensers that contains the Mezclando con el Entorno. I did that all for the sake of Travis not finding out.' she discussed. I stopped walking, this floor is going to drive me insane. I am currently freaking out on how she does it that I forget to check on my Assistant.

'Oh, wait. I forgot to look at the response my Assistant gave me when I asked what the meaning of Mezclando con el Entorno mean.' I said. I hope it doesn't annoy her, knowing that I'm using my own gadgets rather than asking her. It's just how I'm used to.

'Go on. I mean it means 'Mixing with the Environment.'' she said. Sure enough, it's the same thing that comes up at my Assistant.

'Right now, the Invisibility isn't triggered because he isn't here but once he is, then we're going transparent.' she said. We're walking in a hallway filled with doors and she opens one.

'This is the Hidden Intensive Investigation Room or HIIR. It's for sensitive and experiments that can't be disclosed to the public. Your phone is in here as well. The door on the other side is the Mezclando con el Entorno Production Room. We can go there later.' she said.

'Can we check that out now? I'd like to wipe out my excitement before we barge into the serious stuff.' I asked for a favor. Please, please, please...

'Sure. C'mon.' she responded. I'm not a kid but Yay. We walked to it and entered the room. I can see plants, really? Not the first thing I was expecting.

'So, Mezclando con el Entorno is the name I gave to the plant. Half because I don't want Travis to understand it and the other half because it seems appropriate.' she said.

'Continue please.' I responded.

'Okay. The plant creates a fruit that when exposed to sunlight, goes transparent. I managed to implement it so it works on other things but I disabled the sunlight activation thing.' she said.

'How did you do that?' I asked.

'DNA and a bunch of experiments. I didn't even have enough time to complete the Hypothesis because Travis might enter this laboratory out of nowhere. I had to be safe.

'Seems reasonable. Do you at least have a theory behind what it does or how you were able to do that on other objects?' I asked.

'Yeah. The seeds I used for this was from Travis' agricultural digging. He stumbled upon it and gave it to me as a gift. At first, I didn't know why and he really didn't know what it does but I decided to plant it because why not? It went transparent when the fruits came out, it's a weird fruit-bearing plant that doesn't grow to be a tree.' she discussed how they got it. Interesting tale.

'Go on.' I said.

'I took it to the lab, scanned it, took its Genetic Code for being transparent and I combined it with ion-enhanced and activated water and universal mixing cathode-ray tubes. It was just a random mixture out of at least 10,000 attempts. I was just about to give up but it worked.' she said.

'I have a theory. The ion-enhanced and activated water and universal mixing cathode-ray tubes were able to duplicate the Genetic Code. The Genetic Code mixed with the water makes it a great medium for transfer, spraying it, allows the Genetic Code to come out of the water, enter the Nucleus and do its thing. The cathode-ray tube might've given it enough artificial radiation so it thinks it's under the sun when it's not.' I said.

'That's a great theory right there, Jack. I'm impressed. I'll write that in.' she said. I'm learning. I am freaking learning.

'Can I have some seeds? Do you have some spare?' I asked. I mean, I really wanted to have those back home, you know?

'Yeah. I have 10 jars filled with them. You can have 2.' she said. Wow, what a great gal. 

'Thanks a lot.' I said.

'Remember though, applying it to living organisms is not a good idea.' she warned me to use it cautiously.

'Okay. I might make a solution for that, maybe.' I said.


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