Chapter 1: The New Girl

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{Pheonix's POV}






  Those five words describe what I'm feeling and hearing as I run through the darkness, trying to escape.  But it's no use.  No matter how fast I run, I can never escape from this. 

  I run, faster and faster, but the shadow is always behind me, closing in.  I'm faster than him, but somehow he always seems to be one step ahead.

  I run even faster, but I slam into an invisible wall and go down to my knees.  I slam my hands onto the onyx glass like shadow substance.  I hear his footsteps approaching slowly, like a panther that knows his prey is caught, and now he either wants to play with his prey or just kill me immediately. 

  I turn around, eyes completely widened and glowing, staring at the figure shrouded in darkness.  The tears that I didn't know I've been crying start to fall faster, a stream of tears.  My chest feels like it's wrapped up with rubber bands, and my throat is so tight that it's almost suffocating. 

  Something silver glints in the darkness.  A knife, covered in the blood of the innocent.  I scream and turn, trying to get back onto my feet and run, but I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder and everything as the final message that repeats every time I have this happen to me runs through my mind once more. 


  My eyes fly open as I shoot upright on my bed.  Another nightmare... That's the fourth one in the past two days.  But, then again, when you've seen what I have, I'm not really surprised that I have so many nightmares. 

  Looking over at my clock, I see that it's only 5:45, 3 more minutes until my alarm rings.  Oh well, no going back to sleep after that nightmare. 

  Shutting off my alarm before it can turn on, I get up and do my daily routine.  Though this time it's slightly different.  I include getting school supplies ready.  It may be October, but this is my first day back to school in over 2 years. 

  I quietly run downstairs, pulling my hood on as I go.  I skip out the door and pull my phone out of my pocket, quickly texting my father that I'm on my way to school.  I put the phone away and continue on in silence. 

*    *    *

  I look up at Hurricane High School, though it is probably more accurately dubbed as Hell.  Looking around, I see some kids that I recognize, but others look so different that I end up thinking "what happened?".  (If anyone gets le reference, comment and tell me!)

  I walk in and look at my phone, glancing at where I'm supposed to go.  Room 208.  Homeroom also happens to be my English room.  I make sure that my hood is on correctly before walking up the steps. 

  I get to the room and choose a seat in one of the middle rows.  A few minutes later, I feel someone tap my shoulder harshly before they speak. 

"Hey, kid.  Beat it!  This is my seat!" 

  As soon as I hear that voice, I freeze.  No! Damn it, really?  He's in my class?  Wait- of course he is.  He's in the same grade as me, even though he should be in the grade above me.  His parents kept him and his sister back a year so they could play with me.  Anyway, back to the issue at hand, it's just my luck that he's in my class!

"Did you hear me?" He questions, his tone of voice conveying a threat.  I shrug and glance to the side. 

"Yes I heard you.  But I'm no-" I cut myself off, a flashback surfacing.  I force it down, but still get the gist of it.  Pain.  Unintellectual yelling.  Sharp objects.  Blood. 

  Never talk back is what something in the back off my mind tells me.  I let out a heavy sigh and get up, grabbing my notebook and purple pen while flipping the boy off.

  Several kids start gasping and going OOOHHHHH! as I walk to the front of the room.  The bell rings and our teacher, Mrs. Black walks into the room.

"Okay class!  Settle down, settle down!  Today we have a new student joining us!" She turns to face me.  "Could you possibly tell us your name?" 

  I look at her awkwardly.  "I...I don't really want to say...but I will say it, even though everyone in this room knows who I am..." 

"Stop being cryptic and tell us! Who the Hell are you?" someone yells out. 

  I look down and smile wearily.  "All you need to know..." 

  I look up again and allow my hood to fall off.  I stare at my classmates that are losing their shit with a sad gaze.  "Is that it's me, A-and I'm back."

  Everyone starts full out yelling as I slowly walk to the back row, which is empty for some reason.  I pull my hood back on and watch as the teacher calms everyone down. 

  After she finally manages to calm everyone, she starts telling us about things that I already know.  I pull out my notebook and start doodling.  This class is about a month or two behind my online class, so I can take it easy for now. 

💜❤ 0w0 So! There we go, the first chapter in my Goldie x Reader story!  The picture above is kinda how Pheonix looks.  Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed!  See ya next time, Little Spirits! Ciao! 0w0 ❤💜
(May 17, 2018)

  Hey, I just rewrote this chapter and started it off better!  Hope y'all enjoyed the editing and stuff that I did! I have to go do my homework now, but I hope ya enjoyed this.  Ciao!


(October 18, 2018)

[OLD] Open Minds - Book 1 - Goldie x Reader/OC(Pheonix)Where stories live. Discover now