Chapter 2: Bullies

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Good.  I'm almost done with my first day back to Hell.  It's sixth period, Lunch.  I'm not that hungry, so I grab a small salad and a water bottle.  There's only one free table, so I sit there.  A few times, goldfish or grapes fly past my face, almost hitting me.  The popular kids, Samantha, Vanessa, Brittney, Nightmare, SpringBonnie and ... Springtrap, they come over to my table. (so sorry if any of those are your real names.  Change it to what you prefer/want)

"Hey, murderer!  Why'd ya come back?  Got tired of hiding, or do you need someone else to kill?" They jeer at me.  I feel tears welling up in my eyes,but with the hood on and me looking at the salad, they didn't notice.  Even if they did, they wouldn't care.  There was a whoosh and then a sharp pain in my cheek as Springtrap slaps me with such force that I almost fall off the bench.

"Look at someone when they're speaking to you, bitch!"  

I stay silent.  Bad idea.  Nightmare picks me up off the bench and throws me to the floor.

"Oh, are you giving us the silent treatment, or are you mute?  And letting you know," he places his foot on my stomach. "When we see a bug, we squish it!"  He steps down, causing me to gag and scream.  

Next thing I know, I'm standing on my feet, crying.  How did I... no. I can't think about that.  

I look at Springshit. Oops, I mean Springtrap.  

"Wh-what the hell d-did I do to you to deserve being treated like shit?!?!" I yell at him, sobbing.  Shock is plainly written on his face(seeing as he knows that I don't curse unless I'm really upset or pissed off), and I run away before he can respond.  Why?  Why is life so hard?  Why does everyone hate me?  I run to the library and go into the corner furthest from the door and collapse, silently sobbing.


        (Wow, didn't see that coming, huh?)

Great. My little cuz is in the school with me.  And her powers have grown strong - stronger than the last time I saw her.  Gonna have to put that little bitch in her place.

💜❤0w0  There we go!  Chapter 2 completed!  Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry if imma bad Author~Chan.  See ya later, Little Spirits! Ciao!   0w0❤💜

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