Chapter 5: Nurse, Part 1 (A/N 3 at the end)

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Phoenix's POV

  I turn to Mike, who seemed like he was ready to handle just about anything.  But I see the nervous glint in his eyes. Ya know what? It's not worth my time to beat his sorry ass.  I look him straight in the eye.

"Get your sorry ass and it's shitty little friends out of here," I tell him.  He sighs and teleports all of the Night Watchers to the Nurse's Office.

  My rush of adrenaline and energy fade, and I slide down the wall.  Screw this, I need to help Jeremy.  I crawl over to him. He's unconscious.  Oh, fluffing god. I place my hand on his neck to check his pulse.  Okay, he's alive, but his heart's beating too slow.

  Yes, I know that when you're asleep or unconscious your heart slows down naturally, but Jeremy's heart is going slower than it should.

  I move my hand to his chest and concentrate.

  I can only heal his worst injuries, which are his broken ribs, internal bleeding, and his broken ankle.  If I try to heal more than that, I'll pass out.  I slowly start to heal him, keeping lookout for any more injuries. And, of course, he does. He sprained his wrist. Great.

  After I'm done healing him, Jeremy gives a weak cough and opens his eyes.


"Yeah, Jere. It's me.  Come on, let's get you up," I say, pulling him to his feet.

  The rest of the class comes in from outside.  The teacher,  Mr. Johnson comes over to us.

"Skipping class, are we?" he questions, looking a little too eager to get us in trouble.

"No, sir.  Jeremy was getting beaten up by-" I double over and my knees give out.  Jeremy catches me before I hit the floor, and somehow manages to stay standing.

"Bring her to the nurse," Mr. Johnson orders Jeremy.  Once we're there, the nurse sees us immediately and asks "What happened?" Looking around, i see that the Night Watchers have already left. "Got into a fight and drainage from magick overuse," I mumble.  Jeremy and I are nearly on the cot when I black out. Great second day! (Note the sarcasm)

💜❤0w0❤💜  Ok! Second chapter today! Done! I will probably post later, seeing as I'm gonna have to use my data to post this. K, hope u enjoyed! See ya later, Little Spirits! Ciao!  💜❤0w0❤💜


Hey guys! Amy here! Sorry for yet another Authors Note. But, since I only posted two actual chapters yesterday, I will try to do a TRIPLE upload today.  If not, I'll post two chapters today, and one tomorrow.  I'm sorry for not doing what I wanted to. I have to wake up early tomorrow, to go to Select Chorus, so I'll work on the chapters more. And I have to stay after because of track.  Oh, how I hate dick-tater tot! Ok, I will post at LEAST one more chappie today.  See ya later, my Spirits! Author~Chan out! Ciao!

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