Chapter 7: Nice?

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(Phoenix's POV)

  No. I don't want to go home.

"Phoenix, sweety. It's time to go home. Come on," my dad says in that kind voice that he uses around other people.
  I have no choice but to obey, because I know the punishment will be worse when I get home if I resist.

  Still feeling sluggish, I uncurl and try to stand. Bad idea. My knees give out (for the third time today) and I start to fall, but my dad moves with inhuman speed and catches me before I fall onto my face.

  He gives me a piggy-back ride to the car, and sets me down in the passenger seat. He walks to the driver's side and gets in his seat. We pull out of the parking lot, onto the main road.

"So," my father says. "What's this I hear about a fight? Sid you win?"

"Yeah, I won," I tell him, giving him a nervous smile. He smiles back.
Even if I didn't win, I wouldn't tell him so, because I would probably get...hurt.

"Who was it with?"

I gag, partially because I'm feeling nauseous, partially because I hate those kids.

"It was that idiot, Mike, and his grape of a brother, Vincent. Fritz and Scott were there, too."

My father's face hardens. "Those two Schmidt boys aren't worthy of Afton blood," he states. I nod in agreement. We actually agreed on something for once! (Other than I'm a useless little shit that is a mistake in this world)
We pull into our driveway. Shutting off the car, dad gets out, comes over to my side, and picks me up. He carries me up the front steps and into the house, then up two more flights of stairs, into my room. Placing me in my bed, my father tucks me in and kisses me on the forehead.

"Rest well, my little phoenix," he tells me, shutting the door behind him.
As I slip into dreamland, I think, "Why can't he be this nice all the time?"


Chapter 7 done!
U peoples: Oh, but u said that Phe's dad is abusive! Why is he so nice?"
You guys are probably shouting at me right now. And you're right, he is abusive. That will be displayed in Chapter 8. And the reason that he's so nice in this chappie is because he wants to lower Phe's guard. And....something 4 u guys to look forward 2! Chapter 9 will be in all Jeremy's POV! Huzzah! Catch ya later, Spirits!

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