Chapter 9: Abused, Part 2

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WARNING: The following is not appropriate for readers that are easily disturbed! There will be verbal and physical abuse, blood and harm to a character! If you are fine with reading this type of shiz, carry on.  And a precious cinnamon roll will be harmed!  Just don't say that I didn't warn you!

Jeremy's POV

  As soon as we walk into the house, my father slams the door shut and I try to crawl to the stairs, hoping to go unnoticed.  But, of course, my hopes are in vain.
  My dad picks me up by the neck of my sweater and pins me against the wall.  I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"So, you were in a fight?" he slurs. I nod. "How did you not get hurt?"
  Fear constricts my throat as I try to respond. "I-I-"

"You did get hurt, but Afton's shitty little bitch excuse of a daughter healed you and saved your sorry ass!" He slaps me in the face. "Answer me, you useless shit! IS THAT WHAT HAPPENED?!'' 
  I slowly nod, than he punches me in the nose, then my gut.  He starts beating me like there's no tomorrow.
  My father finishes with a hard punch to my gut, probably hard enough to cause internal bleeding, and I collapse, barely conscious.
  I curl into a ball and sob after he walks away.  Every breath I take, it feels like my lungs are on fire.

"Please..." I whisper, barely a breath. " me..." and I curl into a tighter ball. As I cry softly, I allow the darkness to take over my mind, and I black out.

  Poor Jere. I hate that I wrote this, but this will be important later on in the story.
You guys: Why is the stuff you write so depressing?
Me: IDK.
Goldie: Because depressing things are almost always the easiest things to write about.
Me: SON OF A McNUGGET!  Since when were you here?!
Goldie: Since whenever.  You can't get rid of me. I've been reading as you type.  And quite the ideas you have.
Me: Why are you- actually, no! Not gonna question this!
*turns to the dear readers*
This is what Jess was talking about in the comments.  Well, one of the parts.  Anyway, I'll see you Spirits next time. Author~Chan out for now. Ciao!

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