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  Okay, I have been tagged by SenpaiJules for giving her an idea for her Glitchtale book!  Not really sure how this works, seeing as this is my first time being tagged, but I will try my best!  Okay, let's do this!
(Btw, I'm just doing it the way that I saw someone else do it.  I forgot their name. Sorry!)


1) You cannot re-tag the same person twice, unless you run out of people

2) Must be done within a week of being tagged unless something comes up

3) Have fun (I don't know at this point)

4) Do it however you want to, and you can do it the same way someone else does


1)  What is my hair color? 
   My hair looks brown, but it's really a mix of all natural hair colors. Even my parents and doctors say so.

2)  What color are my eyes?
   My eyes are an amber-ish brown with a faint blue ring around them.  The blue ring is more viable when I'm upset. But, when I get angry, the brown turns a reddish color, just like an Ultima Werewolf's eyes do.

3)  What's my favorite book?
   I don't really have one, so I'll name several of the series that I like.
·all the Percy Jackson books
·FNAF books by Scott
·Warriors by Erin Hunter
·The Thirty Nine Clues
·How to Train Your Dragon
And many others...

4)  What's my favorite color?
   My favorite colors are Purple, Magenta, Neon Pink, White, Blue, and Red

5)  The last song that I listened to?
  The last song that I listened to was the Mangle song. The first few lines describe my life. (Here's two of the animations that I like)

6)  Who do I ship?
   I ship AARMAU, Bonica, Travlyn, Percybeth, Fonnie, Fronnie, Firestorm, Zane~Chan/Zana, Frexy, Moxy/Frangle, Firestorm, Barry and Iris, Billdip, Jeremike,
Payphone/purplephone/vinscott and gods know how many others...

7)  What is my favorite animal?
   I love Huskys, Cats, and dolphins.  I would put Unicorns and Alicorns if people believed in them.

8)  What is my favorite smell?
   Hard to say. I love the smell of wood smoke, cinnamon, apples, lavender and fruity scents.

9)  What is my favorite song?
    Oh gods...I can't choose. Though, the songs that are stuck in my head right now are these:
·Five Nights At Freddy's,
·Meant to be Yours
·Its Time to Die
·Hide and Seek
·Left Behind
·And all of the "Stronger than You" versions.   Here's the animations that I like.(warning: some songs have cursing in them. Use headphones)

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