Chapter 16: ???

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Mike's POV

   Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!  This is absolutely fucking wonderful!  Now I have two unconscious rejects in front of me!  Faith flies over to me and enters my head again, like normal.  This is just fucking fabulous.

  I pick up Fucks- I mean, Jeremy, and drag him outside to my car.  I usually leave my car here and just ride home with Vince, but this time, I'm glad that I left my car at work.  I open the door, plop Jeremy down in the front seat and buckle him up.  Even covered in blood his hair's so soft, and his skin is such a fair color- wait what the fuck am I thinking?!  I can't like Jeremy!

  Ok, after my face stops burning, I shut the door.  Honestly, I think of leaving my cousin in the Pizzeria, but decide against it.  She just passed out after trying to heal Jeremy.  I walk back in and pick her up.  As I get to the front doors I can feel the animatronics watching me.  Not dropping Phoenix, I flip them off.

  I lay Phoenix down in the back seat and close the door.  I get into the driver's seat close my door and whip out of the parking lot.  I got some time to bring them to my house before school.

???'s POV (Didn't expect this, did you?  Heh, you probably attention...this will be important)

  She was here.  The daughter of the murderer.  The daughter of OUR murderer!  I wish I took the chance and killed her while she was here, but Faith and Brandy were protecting her.

  I slowly turn to face the other spirits.  They're murmuring amongst themselves.  I float over to them, and their chatter does down.

"So...what do you think we should do?"  I ask them and the chatter stops completely.  Spirit 5, Bonnie's child spirit, floats forwards with Spirit 3, Chica's child spirit. 

"U-um...we both think that w-we should leave her alone. I-I mean, she just used a major amount of energy to save that boy!" 

  I roll my eyes.  Of course they would want the most peaceful choice. "She may have saved that one boy but that does not change what her father did to us!  Not to mention that she made no move to save any of us!"

  Spirit 6, Foxy's child, floats over to me.  "We coul' just try to kill her!"

"O-or we could turn human, put the back-up robots on the stage, and try to become friends with her!" Spirit 2, Faith, suggests.  Again, another pacifist choice.

  Wait a second...killing her...human form...that could actually work! 

"Or," I start slowly, "we could do the human thing, befriend her, then stuff her in a suit once she trusts us!"

Everyone except Faith and Brandy agrees to the plan.  Then Faith's spirit stops moving.

"Guys, I'm sorry, but I need to go back to Mike!  I'll see you soon, promise!"

  And with that, Faith blips off to that strange human.  Oh well.  At least We've got a plan!


  Wow!  There finally got a chapter out!  Now, Imma work on chapter 17, and hopefully get it out today!  See ya soon, Little Spirits!  Ciao!



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