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My gods, I hate doing the Authors notes shit.  Anyway, I have something to say.  No, I'm not leaving the fandom or quitting Wattpad, so you can all stop having heart attacks about that. 

  It has something to do with the book.   No, I'm not discontinuing the book, so please, calm yo titties. (I cannot believe I just said that.)  There will be much slower updates than usual.  I want to try to update my other stories, but I don't wanna put the book on Hold. 

  There will be slow updates and in 2 weeks school will be starting up for me and my brothers.  I start school on September 5th.  Yay! 

  Anyway, I will most likely update my Harry Potter fic because it's been so long, and several others that I may have forgotten about, like FNAF book 1.  Yeah...

  Ok! Just wanted to let you know so you won't be too annoyed that I just stopped all of a sudden for a time.

  Anyways, see ya later, Spirits!  Ciao!



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