Chapter 14: Fuckboys, Part 1

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Phoenix's POV

Its Tuesday morning, exactly a week since I came back to a public school, and tomorrow will be the one week mark for the fight with Mike and his gang, the "Night Shifters". At least, that's what they call themselves. They apparently named their group after they found out that they all work at the same place: Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. And from personal experiences in the past, that. place. is. HELL.

Jeremy's next to me as we walk to 2nd period, math, when he decides to drop the bomb and tell me.

"Hey, Phe-Phoenix?" He starts nervously. I hum in response, glancing to my side. "I....I'mgonnagetajobatFreddy's!" He says in one breath. I stop short as my brain processes what it just heard. Jere....job at...Freddy's?!

I run after him, into our math room, and we sit in our seats, which are luckily next to each other.

In a hushed whisper, I tell him, "Jeremy, no. That's not a good idea." He turns his head to face me. Since there was still two minutes until the bell rings, we won't get in trouble for talking, we just don't want anyone hearing our conversation.

"Wh-why not? M-Mike lives through ev-every night! So can I!" He whispers back, determination laced with his voice. I shake my head.

"Jere, you can't! It's too dangerous! Ever wonder why Mike wears longer shirts now? Even in the summer?"

"No, not re-really. He's n-never been nice to-to me, so no. And do you not tr-trust me?"

"No! Jere, it's not that I don't trust you! Mike gets hurt at the Pizzeria. It's dangerous at night, believe me. I've...I've been there at night. A few months ago, remember? I told you and showed you my wounds over FaceTime."

Jere shakes his head. "Phe, normally, I wo-would believe you, bu-but I want to do this! And w-we both know that our dads...hurt us, so you could have f-faked it. I-I'm not saying that I
d-don't believe y-you!"

Sighing in defeat, I shake my head and look at my bracelet. "Jere...I don't want you to do this, but I will support your choice. I just...I don't want you to get hurt. You know that I care for you like you're my brother. But I can't afford to lose someone else that I care about. careful, okay?"

Jeremy nods his head. "Don't worry Phe. I-I won't leave you." The bell rings, and class starts.

~Time Skip!~

It's only been 16 minutes since class started, and I am bored outta my mind. Then I think of something. Mike is the current night watch at Freddy's, which means he'll be the one teaching Jeremy. Oh, I'm sorry, did I say 'teaching'? I meant telling Jere the basics and dumping him, leaving him to fend for his own while Mike saves his own ass.

I pull out a spare bit of loose leaf paper, and my pen. I'm gonna write something to Mike.

There. I think to myself. As soon as the teacher's back is turned to the board, I crumple up the sheet of paper and toss it into Mike's desk. It lands almost perfectly, without a sound, and causes Mike to jump slightly, not expecting it.

Wonder what his decision will be.

Mike's POV (surprise! Though you were probably expecting it...)

A ball of paper lands in my desk, making me jump. What the fuck? I think to myself. I pick it up in one hand, and look around the classroom to see who could've thrown it. As far as I can tell, everyone is concentrating on their work, or at least pretending to do so.

Unfolding the paper, I read the note written on it.

Hey, arsehole.

I know that you probably won't do this, but here goes. Meet me by the gates after school, preferably alone. I need to speak with you. I normally wouldn't do this, for my safety, and for the sake of your reputation, but it's kinda urgent. Don't tell anyone, and I'll give you twenty bucks. Meet me at 1:15, if I'm not there, start walking back to your house. I'll catch up to you.


I look at Dipshit and can see her eyes through her bangs, and she's looking at me. I roll my eyes and nod. The flow in her eyes becomes almost physical as she nods back to me. Wonder what the hell she wants?

~Another Time Skip!(sorry)~
Phoenix's POV

I'm late. I exit the school yard and catch up to Mike.

"Mike!" I say his name, and he stops, turning around.

"Ok. What exactly did you want from me, Dipshit?"

I look him in the eye. "You're getting a new night guard tonight. Hurt them, and I hurt you, got it? Let me come with you tomorrow morning to Fuckboy's. And yes, I do know how you teach."

Mike rolls his eyes, but he answers me. "Fine. You can come with me in the morning."

~Time Skippie!(I am so sorry)~

Jeremy's POV

I get to the Pizzeria around 11:30, just like the Boss said. I stopped here after school. I run to the office and see Mike waiting for me. Ok then. He glances at me and sighs. Showing me the basics, he explains what to do. Then he has to leave.

After Mike leaves, the 12:00 bell rings, signaling the start of my shift.

~Time Skip(holy crap, so many time skips!)~
(Still Jere's POV)

It's around 5:00 am when I flip the cameras to Pirate's Cove, only to see that Foxy's not there. Shoot! Not good, not good! I hear heavy footsteps running down the left hall, so I fling myself at the door button, but...


Hi! Holy shit, there were a LOT of time skips in there! No kill me, please! Don't worry though! Jeremy will live!

Foxy: Or will he?

Me:*pushes him back into cove* Sorry about that. Ignore the salty fox. He's just annoyed that I just got into the BATIM and Creepypasta fandoms.


Me:YOU LITERALLY JUST SPOKE TO ME! Anyways! Jeremy WILL NOT DIE. *saying this while staring at Pirate's Cove*

Okay, hope you enjoyed this extremely early/late chapter. Why do I say early/late chapter? Because I was supposed to post this sooner. And in my time zone, it's 00:13, or 12:13 am, so I would be 13 minutes into the Night 2 nightshift. Yeah. Comment what time it is/was when I posted this, and the time that you read it. I know that some of the readers have a different time zone than I do. For example, right now, it would be 05:14 am for them. Or 09:15 pm. Okay, now I'm just rambling.

Okay, see you all next time, my Little Spirits! Ciao!



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