Chapter 15: Fuckboys, Part 2

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(Doing something new today. Things that have happened previously will be bolded words.  By the way this is gonna be a Hell of a chapter, length wise. In my notebook, it takes up 4 pages. Okay, let's do this!  this Also...⚠Trigger warning, and possible feels⚠)

Jeremy's POV

It's around 5:00 am when I flip the cameras to Pirate's Cove, only to see that Foxy's not there. Shoot! Not good, not good! I hear heavy footsteps running down the left hall, so I fling myself at the door button, but......I'm to late. Foxy gets into the office, stares at me for about three drawn out heartbeats, then launches himself at me.

He slashes my shoulders with his hook and bites down on my side, leaving gashes. Then he uses his hook and slashes my stomach, bringing with it one of the only feelings I'm still familiar with: pain.

My vision starts to fade in and out, creating a tunnel effect, in a way. Not good, not good! I faintly hear the 06:00 AM bell chime, telling me that my shift was now over...possibly forever. Foxy leaves the office, running down the hall. After the sound of running vision cuts out.

Phe's POV

I run out the door before my father can question me, which means that I will most likely be...punished...when I get home. Running as fast as I can, I manage to catch up to Mike, who stopped long enough to allow me to catch up.

We walk in silence for a few minutes. As we grow closer to the Pizzeria, the unease that I've been feeling most of the morning becomes stronger. I glance at Mike.

"Have you and Faith spoken to each other recently?"

I can see Mike look at me from the corner of my eye.

"I'm not going to ask how you know about her, but yes, we have. She was actually speaking to me before you opened your big mouth."

I smile, ignoring the insult. "Can she come out? And I don't mean by possessing you. As in, can she come out in her crying spirit form?"

  As if on cue, my vision turns to a slight grayscale, darker than usual and goes slightly smokey. I smile as an actual giggle passes my lips for the first time in a few years. Gently, I pull the little hands off of my face. The little girl drifts in front of me.

"Long time no see, huh Phe Phe?" Faith teases me.  I roll my eyes playfully.

"I told you not to call me that how long ago?  But, yeah.  Good to see you again too." I say as a response. Then I notice something.  Faith is staring at my cuts.

"Where did you get those cuts?"

  Shit.  I forgot that certain spirits can see through things or see injuries.  I ignore Faith and the strange looks that Mike's giving me and tell Faith, "When we get to the Pizzeria, please try to keep the others from attacking us."

~Time skip~

Mike's POV

  When we get to Fazfuck's, I pull on the door to open it.  When it doesn't open, my blood runs as cold as the Autumn air around me.  I don't have my keys on me, so I can't open the damned door.  I see a magenta-blue flash of light next to me, but when I look, Dipshit- I mean...Phoenix- isn't next to me anymore.

  Where the fuck did she go? I ask myself in my head.  When I hear the door being unlocked, my head snaps back into that direction, only to see it being pushed open by someone that I know.  Of course.  Dipshit teleported inside.

  In less than a second, I'm shoving my cousin to the side, and running towards the one place that instantly registered in my mind.  The room backstage, the room that's filled with all the spare parts, spare heads, and an endoskeleton.  Just before I reach the door, something grabs my arm.

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