Chapter 3: Talkin' to Jeremy (and A/N 2 at the end)

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{Phoenix's POV}

    I hear footsteps approaching me, but I ignore them, not wanting to deal with anyone right now.

    I hear someone stutter "P-phoenix? Is t-that you?" and my heart flips slightly.  I peer over my knees and see Jeremy standing next to me. 

  I mumble "Hey, Jeremy."  He sits down next to me.

"What's wr-wrong?"

"Idiots," I huff.  He just stares at me like wha? "The popular kids.  I swear that one day,  I'll get my revenge," I tell Jeremy.  He looks at me.  "What?"

    He keeps staring, then looks at the wall. "At least it wasn't Vincent.  He's almost as bad as they are, if not worse."

    I give a dry laugh at this.  "Don't even get me started on Vincent.  That grape can try all he wants, but he will never win against me." 

    As we finish our quiet giggle fest (though mine were forced), I ask, "Hey, Jere?  How's it been going with your dad?"  His face pales a little.  Oh no. "Sorry!" I quickly say.

"N-no.  It's okay.  H-he hasn't really ch-changed.  B-but...."  His voice trails off.

"But?" I prompt.

"I s-started cutting a-again," he says, his voice almost a breath.    We're both silent to the count of five when Jeremy questions "Y-your foster parents?  How a-are they?"

"I don't- I don't live with them anymore," I say shortly.

"Wh-what? Why?"

    I try to look at Jeremy, but with tears starting to form in my eyes again, I can't, so I stare at the floor.
"J-Jeremy?  P-please don't tell anyone else about w-what I'm about t-to tell you."  Tears threaten to spill down my cheeks, but I don't let them.  He nods, signaling me to speak. 

"I stopped living with my foster parents two months ago because my - my father was released from prison."

He just keeps staring at me. "It was never proved that he killed anyone." Lies.  "Everything was  against him, but he was somehow proved innocent. After ten years, he's finally back. I- I wanted to give him another chance, but...but that's over."  I didn't lie that time.

"He's worse. He's worse than after my mom died.  He's worse than my foster dad.  He's worse than your dad, Jere. H-he's abusive.  Knives. Bottles. Magicks.  Anything that hurts.  Anything that will cause pain.  He curses a lot, too.  The worst thing, though, is the fact that he doesn't get drunk like your dad.  Not very often.  This is the real him." 

  My voice breaks on the last sentence.  Jeremy looks shell-shocked, but that doesn't stop him.  He leans over and hugs me, trying to make me feel better. I slowly lean on his shoulder, feeling grateful for him being here for me.

  Thanks, Jere.


💜❤0w0- AWW!  So cute!  Jerenix or Phemy? And that went kinda dark fast.  Comment down below.  Jk! It's still a Goldie.X.Reader.  But I do ship this...Yeah!  Anyway, see ya all next time, Little Spirits! Ciao!


    I'm Bonnie in this picture for

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    I'm Bonnie in this picture for...reasons that will be explained down below.

  Hey guys! Sorry about not posting on Wednesday and yesterday, Friday. Life got in the way.  But, that means double (maybe even triple) update today.  Now, I need to vent on some things.
  I hate my track coach.  He's supposed to be the head guidance counselor, yet he doesn't give a fluff about anyone elses feelings, especially mine.   On Monday, I was trying to help my friend Swiftstar (she doesn't want her real name on social media, so I'm using her Warrior Cat name) up off of the ground, and he yelled at me.  He yelled "(my last name), NO FOOLING AROUND!  IF YOU WANT TO FOOL AROUND, YOU CAN GO. YOU CAN SIT ON A BUS AND LEAVE. YOU CAN QUIT!"  Yeah, I got kinda pissed off at him.  And then, yesterday, my friends Swiftstar/Catelyn (still not her real name), Melissa(not her real name) and Emilia(again, not her real name) were squirting water at each other, my coach, Dick-tater tot (yes, I we made up that name for him. And, yes.  That's what we call him. But only when he can't hear us)  didn't even give a fluff, and he he was looking directly at them.  Then, when I was dumping out my water to get colder water because it was somewhere from 85 to 95 degrees yesterday, he yelled at me of all people! He said "(real first name), STOP PLAYING WITH THE WATER! FOOL AROUND ONE MORE TIME, I'LL SIT YOU ON THE BUS HOME AND COLLECT YOUR UNIFORM!" Yeah, we both hate each other.
  Sometimes I think about possibly gutting and de-boning him with the scooper, giving him to Purple Guy, or shoving him in a suit.  Yeah, fun and totally kid friendly things, right?! 
  Anyway, sorry about ranting for so long.  Oh yeah! Something else!

  Yesterday I skipped gym!  This was the first time I actually skipped a class. I was supposed to be in Guidance,  but it was cancelled, so my friend and I, we went to the Librarby to spend the rest of the period drawing. (Anyone who gets that reference, please comment)  My friend, K (again, not using real names) was also in my Guidance Group, but she was excused from gym because she has a sprained knee.
  Also, before I forget! Shout-out to....
She recommended me to a few of her friends, and I support her books! I highly recommend her 'Adopted by FNAF' book!
  And...May the 4th be with you!  Okay, that's all I have to say for now! And I really need to get to sleep, seeing as it's 4:40 am.  See ya, Spirits! Ciao!

(End 4 now!)

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