Chapter 21: Nightflash, Part 1

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(Nightflash = dumb term I made up for a title and I use for "a bad flashback while asleep".)


Phoenix's POV

  I watch as he kills them, my cries and sobs getting caught in my throat.  I'm hiding in the shadows, near the vent; not wanting to get caught.  I can't be seen. 

  The smell of blood is sickening me, yet at the same time, making me feel something I've only felt during the other times like this.  Pure, unadulterated fear and rage.  The sight of everyone being killed makes me want to scream, but again, it keeps getting stuck in my throat.  I can't scream, or I'll be killed as well.  Everyone is now dead, and tears are streaming down my cheeks.  Or so I thought....

  Al- er, I mean Golden - which is what we call him, since he seems like a yellow version of his brother, and the fact that he hates his real name - shakily stands up and charges at the killer for the second time. 

  But...this isn't...this isn't any killer.  It's my father.  He's done things like this before.  My father seems to be surprised that one of them is still alive, but slices down Golden's chest and stomach, ripping the yellow sweater.  But this doesn't stop Gold.  It only fuels him more.  I feel his magic strengthen and become much more powerful. 

  He keeps attacking relentlessly, getting cut more and more each time.  More blood joined the pools on the floor, and the air became thicker with the smell of iron.  Then my father slits Golden's throat, and I can't hold back anymore.  I let out one of my loudest screams ever, and bolt out of the shadows.  I run straight to Gold, still yelling and scaring the crap outta my father. 

  As Golden starts to fall, I catch him.  But my 5 year old legs and arms can't hold the weight of his 6 year old body, and we both crash to the floor.  I can see fear and anger in his eyes, but beneath that, I can see sadness and betrayal, but happiness that I'm still alive.  My clothes are becoming soaked in his and our friend's blood, but I could care less when I see his eyes dulling.

  My own eyes widen and I take in quick, scratchy breaths seeing as it feels like my father was choking me again. 

"G-Gold, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!  Don't sleep, stay awake, please!" I beg him, knowing that is he shuts his eyes he won't wake up again.  My pleas are fruitless of course, but he smiles softly at me, hugging back weakly.  His breath is staggering.  The only reason he hasn't died yet is because we're combining our magic to keep him awake. 

"S-sorry, Phe-phe.  Always remember..." he pauses for a second and coughs up blood, the red liquid spilling over his lips.  I don't get mad at him for calling me my hated nickname. "That we all we'll...never...really...leave...."

  His eyes grow full and lifeless, silver-blue turning to clouded gray just as his eyes slide closed.  I yell and scream, telling him to wake up, to help me wake up the others as well, to get help as a dark, icy dread fills my body.  Nothing happened, but his body relaxed slightly as he let out his final, gurgling breath. 

  Blood stops flowing from his wounds, and his body goes still.  I look up from his dead body, looking around at the rest of my dead friends before staring at my father with wide, unbelieving eyes.  How could he do this to them?  What did they do to deserve this?  Why must he do this to everyone I care about?  Why?!


  I hope you enjoyed this early update, because it almost killed me to write this.  I have 2 other parts to this, so be prepared for the feels soon!  I can upload them later, or you will have to wait until Friday.  Ciao!

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