Chapter 12: FaceTime

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3rd POV

  Phoenix looked at the camera, then looks away, and Jeremy noticed a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered.  Jere looked at her, confused.

"What do you mean?" he asked her.  Phoenix looked down, in the direction of her wrist.  Jeremy felt his stomach tighten, guessing what she was about to tell him.

"I-I broke the oath!"  Phoenix was now shaking. 'Why? Why do I do this?' she asked herself.  Jeremy stared at her. 

"Phe, when you g-got home, did you..."  he stopped, already knowing the answer. 

"Y-yeah, I did." 
  Phoenix heard yelling from the background from Jeremy's room. 

"Who the hell are you talking to, you little shit?!"  his father yelled at him.  Jere flinched. 

"N-no one.  M-myself." 
  Phoenix sighed.  "Jere, get your school stuff and anything you want to sleep with together.  I'm gonna teleport you over here........okay?" 
  He looked stunned.  "B-but what about your dad?"  Jeremy saw Phe's eyes flash with uncertainty before she spoke. 

"Don't worry.  He...he doesn't come up to my room unless I disobey him, and he won't- be won't beat me when someone else is here.  And if he does get drunk or mad, I won't let him hurt you."

  Phoenix got an idea in her head and pulled out her other cell phone, though this one is a small black one.  She looked at Jeremy and told him, "I'm gonna call him and put him on speaker so you can hear, but you have to be quiet" 

  Jeremy nodded and made the locked lips gesture.  Phoenix dialed her fathers number and put him on speaker, just like she said.

[Key: Dave.Phe]

"Yes, sweety?  What the he'll do you want from me, ya little shit?"  Was his little opening.  Phe flinched before speaking.

"S-sir, I don't want anything from you.  I-I was just wondering if...if I could teleport one of m-my friends over for a sleepover?"  The last part sounded more like a question than she wanted it to be.  Jeremy looked from the black phone in Phe's hand to her face.  He could see the fear in her eyes as they both waited for an answer.

  A deep and exasperated sigh came from the black phone.

"Fine.  Not sure what friends that you're talking about, since you have none, but fine.  Also, you better be quiet and stay on your floor, or else."  Then there was a click and the dial tone.

  Phoenix looked at Jeremy as she clicked off the phone, her excitement barely contained.

"Jere, her your stuff.  You've got ten minutes."

  With that, they both hung up.


  Hey guys!  Sorry for my lack of activity lately!  I wanted to post, just like I said, but things got in the way, and I have been kinda lazy because school just ended a few days ago.  Or was it weeks?  I don't know at this point.
  Anyway, good news!  The third book for the FNAF series by Scott Cawthon came out yesterday!  I can't wait to read it!  It's called The Fourth Closet. And more good news!  I will be posting as many chapters as I can today!  See ya soon, my Little Spirits!  Author~Chan out for now, CIAO!


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