Chapter 25

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Vincent's POV

  I walk back upstairs, because I have to check on Phoenix again.  I wal k into the guest room we gave her to use, only to find her still curled up under the covers. 

"Get out of the damned bed already!" I shout at her.  She visibly flinches,  but rolls over while giving me the middle finger. 

  That little bitch,  how dare she- *please stand by,  we are experiencing some technical difficulties*

Mike's POV

  We walk into the school, and Jeremy sticks close to my side.  Heh, he seems to want me to protect him from everyone.  That's cu- I really have to stop thinking this way. 

  We walk out of Social Studies and down to fourth period,  Gym.  We enter the locker room,  and I can almost instantly tell that my friends were about to prank Jeremy.  My suspicions are proved correct when I hear a locker slam shut and Jeremy comes running from the way the noise can from, then hides behind me. 

  I pat his head softly as I look over at my friends. 

"Hey guys,  leave Jeremy alone.  He's a night watcher now, so that mean he's one of us," I explain.  They all look at me in shock,  then start patting Jeremy on the back kinda roughly. 

  Even though he tries to hide it, I see him flinch every time.  Then he lets out a slight whimper.  I look at him.

"Hey,  you good?"

  He nods, but he's also holding his torso.  I can tell that his injuries are bothering him.  Sighing,  I motion Scott over. 

"Jere, take off your shirt.  Scott, be ready to heal him,  'k?"

  Scott nods while Jeremy seems more reluctant.  Slowly, he pulls his shirt off, revealing his bandaged torso.  Everyone does a quick double take, looking at the bandages, several of them you could see where blood had soaked through.

"Holy crap, Foxy sure did a number on ya, huh?" Scott questions Jeremy as a green glow with teal particles surrounds his hands.  Jere only nods once again, allowing the healing magic to do its work.  Everyone knows which animatronic did the job on Jeremy because I was similarly injured a few months ago. 

  After Scott finishes stabilizing Jeremy's wounds, Jere pulls his shirt back on and stands up,  limping slightly from his not entirely healed leg injury as we walk out to join the rest of our class.  The kid is stronger then he lets on...


  There we go!  I will post 3 chapter tomorrow,  then on Wednesday I can post the Halloween specials.  Hope you enjoyed!  Ciao!

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