Chapter 22: Nightflash, Part 2

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Phoenix's PoV

  I take Gold's deep blue bowtie and shove it in one of my back pockets.  Standing slowly, I watch my father cautiously as I do so.

  My dad lunges at me and I just stare at him, numb to any emotions temporarily.  I don't even move until he cuts my arm, and that's when I jump into action. 

  I quickly drag the limp bodies of my dead friends over to to the table where Brandy was pinned down and killed.  My vision goes slightly purple, but I blink it away, not wanting to go into blood lust.  My father leaves the room and locks the door again, hoping to destroy my sanity by leaving me with the bodies of my dead friends, but that doesn't happen. 

  I sit in front of them before a thought comes to me.  I stand up and walk over to Charlotte and take her half of our friendship necklace and put it around my own neck, and it connects to my own half of the charm. 

  I go over and take one of Faith's bracelets and slip it onto my own wrist.  I slowly pull Brandy's purple headband off of her head and put it on my own head, trying not to lose my composure at the sight of her ribs showing through her shredded chest. 

  Ben had his fingerless gloves and I put them on my own hands, even though they're a bit too big for me.  Freddy has his blood-stained brown scarf, black bowtie and toy microphone with him.  I grab all three of them and put the mic and bowtie in my back pocket with Gold's bowtie.  I wrap the scarf around my neck and take in the scent of his blood. 

  Now it's time to grab something from Flynn.  I hold back my urge to vomit, scream and lick the blood in the room as I look at him.  My father, he...he had...he had decapitated Flynn.  I take off his eye-patch and take the pirate flag from his hand before gently closing his eyes. 

  I walk over to Golden and take off his scarf as well, wrapping it with Freddy's.  Now all I have to do is wait and see what my own fate will be....


Well, here's another chapter!  Hope you enjoyed this.  Phoenix has this weird thing where when she smells or sees blood, she has the urge to drink it because of her own bloodline.  I will post the next chapter either tonight or tomorrow.  Well, have a good day/night wherever you are!  Ciao!

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