Chapter 17

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Mike's POV

  As soon as I get to my house, I teleport the three of us into the living room with the help of Faith.  When we appeared, we ended up scaring the shit out of Vincent.  I'm guessing Doll hears him screaming, and she comes out of the kitchen.  When she sees Jeremy and Phoenix on the couch, she turns to me.

"Mikey, why did you bring the rejects here?" I could tell from her tone of voice she was annoyed.

  I walk over to Jeremy and carefully pull off my sweatshirt, revealing all of his bandages.  On several of them, you could see the blood that was soaking through them.

  Doll's eyes go wide and she covers her mouth with one hand.  Vince, on the other hand, his silver eyes widen and curses. 

"Holy crap, Mike!  Which one did this to him?"

"Foxy.  Dipshit healed Fucksgerald as best she could before she passed out from magic over use," I explain.  Ya know what?  Fuck it.  I'm skipping school today.

~Time Skip~

  Vince, Doll and Mary have left for school.  I walk out of the kitchen holding my bagel and a cup of black coffee when I hear a weak groan from the living room.

  I carefully place my food on the dining room table and walk in.  I look over at Fuck- er, I mean Jeremy, and see that his eyes are open.  Those beautiful emerald green eyes...wait, the fuck am I thinking?!  I can't-  Hell no!

  Ignoring my internal war I walk over to him.

"Hey, how're you feeling?"  I ask helping him into a sitting position.  He looks at me warily, like he's scared I'm going to beat him up.  If we were in school, maybe.  But not now, he's already injured enough.

"I'm fi-fine," the kid stutters.  Heh, that's kinda cute.  He sounds so innocent.  Holy crap, stop it!  I can't think like that!  Then I notice his eyes drift over to look at Dipshi- Phoenix's unconscious body on the other couch. 


Hey!  Sorry for the short chapter, but I kinda have a small writers block.  Don't worry though!  I will continue writing!  See ya later, Little Spirits!  Ciao!


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