Chapter 1

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Clary's POV

Right now I am in a cab watching the slightly familiar streets roll past me.  Can I just say, I had no choice in this matter. If it were my choice, I would be in London right now spending time with my best friend Bianca. But here I am. Nowhere near as ready to face the Lightwoods again. But I have to deal with it. I'm gonna show those Lightwoods what they missed out on.


I walk into my old apartment and a flood of memories come back to me, Izzy's and I's weekly sleepovers and Jace and I's movies. I run to my bedroom, with tears clouding my eyes, before Jon and my parents can see. I start to take in all of my surroundings. All of my artwork is still here. Gosh I missed my perfect bed. I fall asleep, forgetting that tomorrow, I have to face my fear of school.

Ok, I know it's short but the next one is going to be hopefully long! 😀👍🏻

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