Chapter 30

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Clary's POV

The next few days passed as a blur. Jace kept giving me not so subtle winks and actions throughout the days. I shouldn't hold it against him. But I do. I don't think he's going to change. He's the guy everyone will know as the player. The one that wanted to get every girl in sight. It is hard. My heart yearns for him. It's just too painful for me to watch. I left because of him. And now I'm back. I don't think I will ever want to go through that pain again.

The more Jace tried. The more I fell. A best friend turned to lover turned to enemy. A full cycle. His sarcastic attitude and cheeky grin with his golden hair and eyes that girls fell in love with the second they make contact. But no. I must be strong. I will be.

I'm sorry for being so slow. I have a lot of school work to do. I will continue to try and update. But this will definitely have slow updates. For that I apologise

For now angels

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