Chapter 2

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Clary's POV

I wake up with my annoying older brother jumping on my bed. Groaning, I push him off. He just rolls his eyes at me and says, "Your fault! It's your choice whether you want a ride to school or whether you want to walk!". He grins at me mischievously. With that, I widen my eyes and get dressed in record time. See above for clary's outfit. Luckily Jon was about to leave so I hopped on his motorbike before he could leave. All he did was chuckle. Then we set off to what was going to be the worst day in history.


I walk into the school with Jon and everyone stops and stares. I mean come on! Like I was only away for three years. Seriously! As Jon and I walked to the the administration block, people carved into the sides making way for us; Boys glaring at Jon and Girls glaring at me. At the same time, Jon and I looked at each other and grinned our Morgenstern/Fairchild grins. We stood in front of the desk for 2 minutes before Jon cleared his throat. The lady finally looks up and says, "Jonathan Morgenstern and Clarissa Fairchild?" We nod our head in agreement. Now you might be wondering, if we are completely different from each other and have totally different last names, how are we siblings? Well you see, our father and mother made a deal. If they got a boy the last name would be Morgenstern but if they had a girl then the last name would be Fairchild. Simple right? Plus my brother is a replica of my dad and I'm a replica of my mum. Anyways, she handed us our timetables and went back to her work. We looked at each other and shrugged. I glanced at my timetable. Great. I'm in Red! Same house as the Lightwoods! Luckily Jon also got red and we were in the same classes as well. Luckily we won't have to deal with those traitors alone. We head to our class, surprised to be the first ones there and sit at the very back corner of the class, where no one would notice us. We both brought out our phones and started to text our friends in London. The bell rings and kids starts piling into the class. Thankfully no one saw us. Until, the air got cold and the Lightwoods walked in. Jace and I made eye contact and immediately diverted our gazes. Jace looked around and much to my luck, the only seat left was the one right next to me, since Izzy and Alec( her older brother) took the other two. I inwardly groaned. It was going to be a long day!

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