Chapter 29

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Clary's POV

Back at school the next day was a bit nerve racking. I mostly just stuck to Simon, Magnus and friends. I couldn't help it. I did not want to face Jace. And most of all, Maia. It's bad enough that Jace likes me but the fact that he is also dating Maia, it just blows my mind. 

By the time it was lunch, I was anxious as hell. I got my food and headed to the table where the group normally sits. And with just my luck, the Lightwoods and Jace were sitting with them. I go to turn around when Simon calls my name. Damn it. Now I have to sit with them! I turn around once again and put on a fake smile. I sit down next to Eric and avoided the "couples" side of the table. That side was made up the Simon/Izzy, Jace/Maia and the Alec/Magnus. I engage talk with Eric when Jace asks if he can talk to outside. Of course I have to say yes. So I get up and walk around a corner and lean against the wall. "What Jace?" I say. 

"Look, what I said last night was a mistake. I've realised that we will never happen again. Look... Here's something I don't say say very often. I'm sorry for saying that." He says looking down.

"Is that the only thing you are sorry for?" I say. 

"No! I mean, I'm sorry for everything I have done to you. Well, except for dating you. Look I'm not trying to get back with you. I'm dating Maia and you obviously don't want anything to me so... Yeah, that's all I wanted to say." He says.

"Whatever Jace, we'll see. No one can change that instantly so yeah." I say roll my eyes. 

"Well, I'm Jace Herondale." He says back to his usual smirk. He grabs my face and kisses me for a second before he walks back to the group, leaving me stunned against the wall.

How was that???????????????????????????????????

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