Chapter 17

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6 Years Later

Clary's POV

It has been 6 years since I have left New York. The only person in New York that knows my whereabouts is Magnus. I told him once I found out he was a warlock. Anyways. I now have a Parabatai, Bianca, and a loyal and loving boyfriend, James. James' Parabatai is Will and he is dating my best friend Tessa. We are one big happy family. Until now. They called a emergency institute mission. I forgot to mention. I am the best female shadowhunter and Bianca is the second best. Third is Isabelle Lightwood. Who was number one until we over took her. Also, James is the best with Will second and Jace Lightwood third. Again they over took him as well. Anyways, I walk into the institute library to see Lydia waiting for me to sit down. Everyone in the institute knows about my real name and where I came from so when they told me that the New York institute needed help, they looked at me warily. I just smirked and said "Bring it on." Ever since Jace called me those god awful names, I reinvented myself so I have the body, the looks, the style, the attitude and most importantly the skills. I can't wait till they see who Claire Branwell really is. "Claire! It's time!" I nod and make my way over the group and draw what I now know as a portal rune. "Hoodies on!" I yell and we all put our black hoodies on. "Make formation!" I continue. We all get into formation. Lydia at the front. Then Will and Tessa and at the back James,Bianca and I. From the back I call "Move forward!" And in sync we walk into the portal keeping our formation the whole time. I feel a new set of ground come beneath me and I then hear, "Welcome to the New York institute! We are happy and grateful to have you here. This is my children, Alec, Izzy and Jace. And who are you may I ask?" Maryse Lightwood beams. Lydia steps forward. "My name is Lydia Blackthorn just go with it and this is, Will Herondale and Tessa Gray. They then step forward and are on either side of Lydia and they take off their hoodies. And now we have, Bianca Ryder and James Carstairs, the second best female and the best male shadowhunter in history." I feel the move from either side of me and stand next to Will and Tessa.  "And lastly we have Claire Branwell the Best Shadowhunter of all time, male and female."'Lydia continues. I step out and reveal my face and smirk when I hear them gasp. "My name is Claire Branwell. You may know me as Clarissa Fairchild, but she's gone now. Thank you for your time, but it is time for us to train." We turn and leave and James comes up to me and side hugs me while we are still walking. I know my place around the house so I manage to show them the training room and we start to train.

2 chapters in one day be proud of me guys! MEME meme meme as well!!!
Your author,
ClaceMalecSizzyLover ➰➰➰

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