◈ 6. For Masaru

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This story goes on for more than on part so heads up. I'll keep the title so it will be easier, also I wanted to point out that I'm aware that Masaru and Leon aren't related  (They are in my head) also Masaru is gonna be five and both you and Leon are gonna be 22 in these few chapters so yea... ((Btw I'm keeping it to only 1100 words

Father!Leon x Mother!reader


You and Leon had a nasty breakup, you found out from your friend Mondo that Leon was seeing other girls behind your back. You didn't believe it at first but when you saw him walking out of school holding a girl's hand, you felt a large hand on your shoulder and some hands on your back. Sakura and Asahina both comforted you during your breakup, Sayaka and Ibuki kept you on your feet. Everyone help you but you missed Leon more everyday.

You remember late night you got a text from the one and only Leon. He blew up your phone explain how the rumors against him wasn't true and how he loved you but you didn't believe him. You left him on read for five years. This went on for a year until when he finally got the hint and he stopped trying to clear his name. You avoided each other in public, at school, even on bus field trips. Until now that is.
*knock knock*

"I'll be right there!" You shouted across the hall jogging to the door with your bunny slippers. You opened it and instantly regretted it, standing there was Leon kuwata. He sheepishly grinned and mumbled out a "hey" you gave him a cold stare but before you slammed the door on him a small child with red hair and blue eyes peaked from behind him.  You tried to look behind him for anymore surprises but no, just him and the small boy.

"Before you slam the door on me. Can I please explain?" He said as if he was nervous, the boy hugged his left leg and looked at you innocently. "Alright you have a minute Kuwata." He gave you a crazy look then pointed out how it was cold out side.

"Right, then I guess you can come in then," Leon's eyes lit up and started heading for the door until you pushed him back. "Not you, him." The small boy rushed inside and you stepped out shutting the door behind you. You crossed your arms and Leon looked around the floor for an explanation. "Well remember when we broke up? I started drinking a lot  and I guess I had a one night stand with someone..that's where he came from," he looked over to the side avoiding eye contact. "His mom..died, so I'm stuck with him."

He pulled out a letter from his pocket and handed it to you, it said how he was in custody of the little boy since his mother is deceased. You felt like hugging him but you didn't. "So you came here why?" You sassed, him giving you a desperate look. "I called everyone from school, either they were too busy or they just couldn't help me. I was gonna call you but you probably deleted my number so I came here." His eyes seemed glossy, almost as if he was going to cry.

You sighed and let him in, deciding they could stay for the night. The little boy- or Masaru was in front of your tv watching some cartoons and you both sat down on the couch. "Has he taken a shower yet?" Leon glanced at him then shook his no. You got up from your spot and approached Masaru from the side, holding out your hands to pick him up. Masaru climbing into your arms, snuggling his head into your neck as you carried him into the bathroom, Leon trailing after you two. Running his water, you threw in some rubber duckies because who doesn't have rubber duckies in the bath then instructed him to strip, covering your eyes when he got to his underwear and Leon put him in. "Wow your good with kids Y/N" Leon complemented as you washed his hair while he was playing with the duckies.

You mumbled a thanks then realized he had no clothes to changing into. Dashing into your room you found a oversized shirt and old pajamas pants, he fit them perfectly. Masaru was sleepy afterwards and Leon was about to speak but you put a finger to his lips and whispered. "We can talk after I lay him down." By the time you got to your room Masaru was asleep, after tucking him in you closed the door softly.

You sat back down on the couch as silence took over between you two. "I was thinking about giving him up for adoption.." Leon blurted out, getting a slap for an answer. "Y/N what the hell?!" He looked up to see tears going down your face. "What the hell is wrong with you Leon?! He's your son and you wanna  abandon him? Giving him away?!" Leon put his head in his hands slightly sobbing. He couldn't stand to look at you, feeling ashamed he even suggested that option but he did justify why he said that.

"I'm sorry, I just...I just can't take care of him..I don't have a lot of money and my apartment rent is past due..I don't know what to do Y/N." His voice was quivering from his sobs. Putting a hand on his back, you reassured him that Masaru could stay with you if he got a job. "What about baseball? I know you hate it but in this situation Leon, you have no choice." He wiped his tears and gave it a quick thought. "I could join a team..but what about your job Did you have one?" You shook your head no, you worked at home because your (talent) didn't require you to go out all the time.

"Alright Y/N, ill think about it" He was going towards the door but you grabbed his arm before he opened it. "Stay" You wasn't originally gonna let him stay but considering his situation you minus well. He asked if you were sure and you consented, he hugged your frame repeatedly thanking you. He jogged towards the stairs but you grabbed him by the back of his shirt and walked up first. Grabbing a blanket and tossing it at him, making sure it him in the face. "Couch" he sighed trudging and plopping on it, turning the tv on before he did.

You tucked yourself in, kissing Masaru's head before nodding off.


Okay so, that took me not that long tbh, anyways I have shit to do which is make more Leon edits 🤤
Why is that boy so fine?

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