◈ 7. My Rockstar (Requested)

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Leon x rockstar!reader


"Dude, I just won tickets to their show!" I bragged to my best friend Souda pop while holding my phone. It was a radio show and if you were one of the ten to call in first you won tickets to one of Y/N L/N's show. I've never had the courage to talk to her at school which is so unlike me. Souda called in but wasn't so lucky, thankfully I got two so me and him both could go. Although he wanted to take Sonia if he won he still agreed to go with me.

-time skip to Saturday-

I checked the mail everyday until I finally received my tickets. Even though the show was next week I still picked out my clothes. Souda came over to help dye our hair, we only dyed black highlights but it took a while to dry. Thankfully there's a thing called blow dryers and the process went faster.


My coach called me early in the morning about a game I had on Thursday. The black streaks in my hair had dried a bit more which was a good sign. I washed the clothes I was going to wear but ended up shrinking them, man I should have let ma do it. I decided to go to the mall with Souda tomorrow since it was already late.


I passed by Y/N a couple of times in the hall way and I could have sworn they winked at me. Hagakure and Souda keep making ship names at lunch and told me to "make a move already." I rolled my eyes, I knew I couldn't do that, especially cause I going to their show on Saturday. Souda and I went to the mall after school, I picked out a shirt that said No Punk No life and some black jeans.


Sayaka walked up to me with two small pieces of paper. She batted her eyes told me I had a date to Y/N's show. I declined, telling her I have some tickets and was going with a friend. Her jaw basically drop and everyone else's along with it, I walked off hearing other guys begging her if they could go with her. When I got home Ma ripped me a new asshole because I shrunk my clothes, she hit me over the head with a spatula before walking back into the kitchen.


Coach called me out of class to practice for the game tomorrow, Dragging my feet I walked out the door. I was only pissy because that's the only class I have with Y/N, meaning that's they only time I could gaze at them in peace. My coach made me run laps and pitch the ball, a few of my teammates came out and practiced with me. I hit the showers and by the time practice was over it was time to go home.


A home run and another win of course. I was going into the showers and looked up at the crowd, I saw H/C hair like Y/N's and automatically assumed it was them. I rushed getting dressed before they left but wasn't fast enough. The janitor was cleaning up the time I got out, whatever, I'm still going brag to Souda and Hagakure when I see them. I was walking out when the coach called me back. "Good game son." He said as usual and the occasional pat on the back. I looked for Souda and Hagakure who were supposed to wait outside the gate for me but was nowhere to be found. I ended up walking home by myself.


Souda canceled on me. He apparently had this "Smoking hot date" and he couldn't go to the concert. He gave me the ticket back and walked off, I had only a few hours to find someone. I ended giving Hagakure the ticket, we had to go to the mall and get him some punk clothes because God forbid me going with a hippie to a Punk concert. I bought him his clothes since he "lost his wallet" a few weeks ago. Man this sucks.


I set an alarm the night before so I didn't wake up late. I woke up and immediately took a shower, while I was getting dressed Ma slammed open my door shouting "Leon get up!" But was in shock when I was already up. She grumbled and walked off scratching her ass as she did. Giggling I went back to getting dressed. Fifteen minutes later I gave myself a good looking the mirror. "Chains? Check, Piercings? Check, Hair? Check, Eyeliner? Check, Cologne? Shit." I raced to the bathroom and drowned myself in cologne.

Finally I was satisfied with myself, just in time Hagakure came. He covered his nose and said how I smelled like the cologne section at the mall. I just rolled my eyes and was about to walk out until Ma cleared her throat. "Leon aren't you forgetting something?" Turning back slowly I edged my way towards her and kissed her cheek. Shutting the door Hagakure was in tears about to crack up laughing. "Shut up man." I got into the passenger side.

-time skip-

We finally got to the stadium when the concert was. We showed our tickets and found our seats. We were surprising early so not many people were there. Soon seats began to fill up around us and before I knew it the concert was starting. Y/N was playing the guitar and letting their H/L H/C hair go wild, everyone else in the crowd was doing the same. The concert was on break time so I took my the time to use the restroom. I was walking out when no other than Y/N was walking towards me.

"Oh hey Leon didn't know you came!" A small blushes came over their face. "Yea, I..came with Hagakure." They came close to my ear and whispered "Come backstage after the concert." I felt my cheeks get red and nodded. Their manger called them and they ran off leaving me to return to my seat. The concert finished up and Hagakure was ready to leave. I told him he could go without me and I'll call Ma to pick me up. Y/N saw me in the lobby and grabbed my hand, dragging me backstage. Their friends made kissy faces at us causing us both to blush. They lead me to their dressing room and offered me some snacks.

We both talked about school and our Punk interest. "Y/N were leaving in ten minutes, wrap it up with your new boyfriend!" Their manager shouted and they turned red. They smiled at me, kissing my cheek and handing me a slip of paper. They left which meant I had to leave the backstage, I already texted Ma to pick me up so she should be here by now. I walked to the entrance, opening the slip of paper as I did. It was Y/N's number, I waited til I got outside to jump around and dance so I didn't break anything. Ma picked me up and I hesitantly put Y/N's number in my phone.


After the best night of my life. Me and Y/N started texting. The first was a simple "hey" now it's calling and two hour conversations. Who knew we would click to fast. I woke up to a text from them.

Y/N ❤️: Hayyyy
Me: What's up!!!
Y/N ❤️: nothing much, hey so you wanna go to the movies or sumting? The park?
Me: Surez let's go.

Thanks for requesting, Love ❤️

The thing about Sayaka, I don't really like her but I'm not gonna make her an antagonist in all my stories because that just seems so original tbh. And I know a lot of people who don't ship them but instead Junko or ibuki so in some of my stories I'm gonna have different people be the antagonist like Junko or something because it's so norm to keep Sayaka as the antagonist. I hope that's okay! ❤️ anyways next is gonna be a Edit bei

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