(xreader) 38. My Moonlight Boyfriend -REQ-

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Title - My Moonlight Boyfriend
Total words - 1.1k
Pairing - Werewolf!Leon x Y/N
Warnings - none ;)
Summary - Oh boy, looks like Our boy gotten himself into another situation, A furry situation.


I had a good plot but it involved weddings and I know you didn't ask for that so I missed the whole thing, I'll have more of these coming soon though because that was one hell of a plot.


Requested by @FoxLover5017


"Your gonna turn into a werewolf."

"Your shitting me right?" Leon looked at his arm that was starting to bleed in small spaces gaps that resembled teeth. "It's your fault for stepping on my tail!" A boy with wolf like ears turned away with a pouty face. Leon was walking down the street and just so happened to step on the poor puppies tail, it bit him before turning into a small boy with white hair and red eyes. "You get bit, you turn into a werewolf."

"Listen kid, you gotta fix this, I got a very hot date-" he turned to across the street where Y/N was sitting, checking her watch and looking around. "I can't, but the secret serum could." Leon sighed as the small being who pointed out his date wouldn't wait much longer. Leon scampered over to the restaurant and the boy turned into his original state as a pup and ran off into the woods.


"Hey! Sorry I'm late..waiting long?" Y/N flashed him a soft smile as she excused him and he sat down to join her. The two were getting very close, holding hands across the table, Leon rubbed his thumb over Y/N's small hand and chatted as the food would shortly arrive. Y/N was falling for the baseball player, her cheeks rising at his complements and silly jokes but she couldn't help but notice hair on his face grow rapidly. She dismissed it as him just being nervous until a ear grow straight up from his hair.

Leon was obviously to carried away in the conversation to notice his..third ear and the H/C girl didn't know how to break it to him. It took a few minutes of the twitching ear for her to muster up the courage and ask the redhead. "If you don't mind me asking..-Whats with that fuzzy and adorable ear on top of your head?" Leon was puzzled, repeating the last few words, and felt around on his head until he grazed the soft earlobe.

He cursed to himself before sliding it down back into his hair. It quickly popped back up and he repeated his actions, this happened a couple times until another ear sprouted from the other side oh his head. Leon was constantly cursing to himself while he frantically tried to hide his wolf ears. He gave up and sighed once he realized that they couldn't be ignored. He started to explain to Y/N what happened and her face lit up in excitement.

"Secret serum you say?" The H/C girl was basically jumping out of her seat which left Leon confused. "Some shit like that..Yea?" Y/N suddenly hoped onto the table with a sword without much care that her skirt was up slightly. "Then we must go on an adventure!" She held the blade up high with pride causing a few people to stop and look in the small diner. She grabbed Leon's hand and ran out they doors with a smile plastered over her face.

The two ran as far as they could until finally they were in the woods. Leon was exhausted however Y/N was full of energy and ready to face whatever in the darkness before her. She stepped forward, dragging her sword when Leon grabbed her arm firmly before she could go farther. "Are you sure that it's safe? And what if it's not even here.." Leon looked worried but she brushed him off. "All secret serums are in dark forest, Leon! Haven't you heard about it?"

They both walked into the dark forest, Leon shaking behind Y/N who seemed unfazed by the creepy sounds and the aching trees, his condition was getting much worse with fur starting to grow and a snout. She stopped in her tracks and moved over some leaves covering a purple glowing source which reflected on the bark of the trees. "There it is!" The two almost ran forward to the small pendant that held the goo syrup looking contents but a growl taunted them.

"You two think your gonna get that serum?" Two large male wolves emerged from the woods and circled the pendant. "We gauged this pendant, whoever comes and tries to steal it are on our hands." Leon was in pure shock, he backed up little from his spot. "Well let's fight for it!" Y/N shouted to the two beast, Leon's head snapped towards her with wide eyes shouting a what. She clenched her sword and prepared for battle.

They bent forward getting ready to pounce. One sprint towards Y/N and jumped high above her, she blocked his claws with her sword. He furiously swung at the air in an attempt to scratch her face. She tossed him off her sword and he slide back onto the ground. The other wolf came at her to the side but she swiftly aimed at its feet and knocked it back.

Leon was shaking violently while the sounds of swords against claws filled his ears. He opened his tightly closed eyes for a second to see Y/N fighting the second wolf but she clearly forgot about the first it darted toward her and jumped into the air about to land directly on her. "Watch out Y/N!" She quickly turned and shielded herself for the impact but it never came. Another wolf tackled the first and rolled onto the ground with it. She was surprised to see the red fur and black prints resembled the one on Leon's shirt. "Leon?" She whispered but it was too busy fighting off the wolves.

This gave Y/N enough time to pull out a fork and wave it in the air. "Scatter you two, get away!" The wolves stopped fighting and backed away from the utensil before running into the woods. She jumped to pick up the floating pendant and opened it slightly. A small bottle was locked firmly inside with a small paper that read: "Smutn-Fixation potion". Leon appeared behind her still as a wolf, she bent down and opened it. He slowly licked up the serum and with an poof he was back to normal, hugging the girl and thanking her.

She smiled slightly and thanked him. Leon cocked an eyebrow at her, she looked up at him happily. "Thank you, for taking me on the best date ever." Leon blushed and so did she as they both walked out the forest hand in hand.


Thank you for requesting, Love ❤️

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