◈ 13. For Masaru (2)

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Father!Leon x Step Mother!reader


A few weeks had past after the whole thing with Leon coming to your front door with Masaru. Leon's apartment rent was past due and he ended living with you anyways. You enrolled Masaru into kindergarten and Leon could pick him up on his way back from "baseball interviews". Today was usual, Leon walked in with Masaru to you making dinner.

"Hey Y/N" he took his shoes off and sat down on the couch, Masaru followed his fathers actions. "Hey guys how was your day?" They both responded at with a good at the same time. You finished up with the dinner and served them. They ate exactly same, it was actually sorta cute. After cleaning up you both tucking him in your bed, when you closed the door Leon softly announced that he was accepted by two great baseball teams.

"The dodgers or The angels.." you two sat at the table and went threw the paper work of joining the team. "I like red, so I'll go with the angels!" He said proudly, god you swore he could be such a child. "Your going to join a team because of their color..," Leon nodded and stated it was his favorite color. "Okay, but let's look at the dodgers wins" You reach for the paper, same time Leon was going to grab it to hand it to you. Your hand brushed against his causing you both to blush madly and looking into each other's eyes.

He cleared his throat as you shook your head, making the blush disappear and trying to forget the moment. You wasn't going to lie to yourself, you grew some feelings for Leon again. You tried to constantly remind yourself of what he did to you and why you were doing this. For Masaru, Only for him. He chose the dodgers after all and decided to go to bed, he said his goodnights to you.

Getting into bed, you thought of your past relationship with him and how it is now. "There was a time where me and Leon used to think about having kids," you looked at Masaru who was snoring softly. "Now I'm taking care of his." You kissed his forehead and turned over, scooting to give him some space.


You woke up at exactly six in the morning to get Masaru dressed and yourself, you dressed him, brushed his teeth,and washed his face. You finished dressing him and told him it's time for school, he nodded and hugged your neck which you hugged back. "Mommy, I love you" he whispered softly. You blushed, being the first time he's ever called you that. You ruffled his hair and watched him run downstairs, Leon waiting for him.

You continued on with your day, watching tv and figuring out what you need from the grocery store when you got a call, it was Asahina from your school. She asked about how your life has been and what you were up to now a days. The conversation ended with "I'm coming over as soon as I can..Probably at five" she hung up right afterwards. You struggled to tell her about Masaru and his father but you decide it would be a nice little visit before Leon and Masaru got home.

-Time Skip-

Your timing was off, Leon and Masaru got home before Asahina and Sakura came over. Now your sitting in between the swimmer and the baseball star feeling awkward. "So Y/N when did you and Leon get back together?" She hid her hate from him by smiling. Before you and Leon dated she warned you about him, when he cheated that didn't make it any better rumor has it apparently Sakura had to hold her back from kicking him in the stomach..again.

"Not to long ago actually," Leon started before you did, he gritted his teeth. "In fact a few years ago." You could tell Asahina was about to explode but Sakura put a hand on her shoulder, calming her down. "Well then, congratulations on Masaru," She looked over to him and he was playing with their daughter, Savanna, "He looks exactly like his father."

"Congrats on Savanna" You tried to sooth the tension but you were just ignored as the two one uped each other. Soon Asahina and Sakura has to leave, taking Savanna with them leaving Masaru not so happy. Leon and Masaru's angry face was almost identical. "god your genes are strong" you mumbled, Leon raised an eyebrow and turned to Masaru who was still making the face he was a minute ago.

He laughed and smiled. "I see what you mean," He picked up Masaru and put him on his shoulders. "Come on little guy, let's get you cleaned up and ready for bed." The two went up stairs and you collapsed on the couch, a text message popped on your phone.

DonutsAreBae: How come you didn't tell me you got back with Leon! Let alone have a kid with him.

You: I kept it a secret..

DonutsAreBae: Mm Alright 😒, but if he does something just let me know. I can still kick him hard in the gut like I did in high school.

You: Heh, no need I'm sure he won't do anything..

You sighed, You and Leon weren't in a "relationship" like that so why lie about it. Ever since Leon said that few years stuff you've been thinking about it honestly. Leon came downstairs and plopped right next to you sighing. "Hey.." He said softly. You felt a blush start to appear as you breathed in his strong scent of cologne.

You stayed there for a couple of minutes until you felt your eyes start to droop, yawning you got up and started for your room but stopped half way. You turned to him who was still watching tv and looked to the ground. "Hey Leon," he looked at you a slight blush ran across his face. "Would like to sleep with me and Masaru..tonight." You could see the excitement in his face as he nodded.

You two climbed into bed together, on separate sides of Masaru. Without thinking you wrapped your arms around the small boy as usual, Leon hesitantly did the same but tried to avoid your arms. Finally you heard snoring, looking up to see Leon's mouth slightly parted and his relaxed face as he slept.

You took sometime going to sleep, thinking about the events of your day but soon you cuddled into your pillow and fell asleep almost instantly, feeling the warmth of your son.


Thus it is time! It's time to make some Smuts!

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