(HC) 34. Ma kuwata

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34Title - Ma KuwataTotal words - 419 Pairing - Ma Kuwata x LeonWarnings - NunSummary - All the lovely times Leons spends with his Ma (this doesn't actually include Y/N btw!)

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Title - Ma Kuwata
Total words - 419
Pairing - Ma Kuwata x Leon
Warnings - Nun
Summary - All the lovely times Leons spends with his Ma (this doesn't actually include Y/N btw!)


Well for starters Leon calls his mom, Ma and has been for the longest time.

(3 year old Leon)

"Ma! Cookie!"

"Oh dear, you want a cookie from the cookie jar?"



(9 in a half year old Leon)

"Ma, I lost my ball.."

"What way did it go?"

"Through that window."


(14 year old Leon)

"Ma! Ma! I got a girlfriend!"

"Oh really? Who is it?"

"That girl across the street!"


(19 year old Leon)

"Ma! Stop pinching my damn cheeks"

-Gasp- "Leonard Kuwata!"


"Language..go put a quarter in the swear jar."


Leon likes to visit his mom often and gives her flowers every time, she had so much flowers that she had a green house built to keep them all.

"Oh Leon, These flowers are so pretty and they never die!"

"Haha, yea..they totally are real.."


Leon never brings girls around his Ma because of how long his relationships are. (Which doesn't stop them from trying though) You're lucky if he does, that means your a keeper. Something about how she gets attached and starts bringing out baby pictures in shit? I don't know..

"Leon, can I please meet your family.."


"But why.."

"Because...(flashbacks of naked baby pictures) How about we go for some ice cream okay?"


Ma would knit Leon scarfs for Christmas every year. It's actually very adorable.

"Oh..Another scarf"

"Yes! Put it on"

"But I don-"

"Put on the scarf!"

Leon warps the soft scarf around his neck.

"Isn't it cute, let me get the camera."

"Ma no!"


Leon only prefers his Ma's cookies. So every few month she bakes him 50 cookies.


Ma's house always smelt like cookies


Leon sometimes falls asleep at his Ma's house in his old room but by the time he walks up he's in a warm blanket and there's cookies by his side.


When Leon moved out of Ma's house, she stayed with him a few nights to make him comfortable. He ended up sleeping on the couch in his own home.


- Ma is as short as fuyuhiko

- Leon definitely got his height from his dad

- Ma is full of advice

- "Just ask My Ma she probably knows."

- Ma owns a leather jacket that says Ma in the back secretly

- she still has drawings from Leon when he was little

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