(Fluff) 52. Lunch box friends

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Title ~ Lunch box friends
Word count ~ 810
Pairings ~ Leon x Dorky!Busty!Y/N
Warnings ~ not one :)


"Hey Y/N!" A fimilar arm swings down on your shoulders, further inspection showed it was your 'friend' sayaka.

You mentally sighed, preparing to fake your lunch time for the third week and all because you didn't want to be treated like shit again.

You knew deep inside you shouldn't have never watched that movie where that girl and her physcho boyfriend killed the most popular girl and two football players.

"Y/N? Y/N!" The same annoying pitch woke you up out of your void of regret as you somehow ended up at the common popular lunch table.

"Yes Maizono?" You answer as your ears rung. "Lundenberg is 'sick' again, could you like help her?" You sigh as you stand up, brushing down your school skirt that's barely past your ass.


You make your way down the hall to the bathroom, heels clicking on marble floor of the fancy school.


You turn around quickly. Looking around the empty hall, scanning each locker with your glossy E/C eyes. A sudden weight change nearly knocked you off your feet. The stranger covered your eyes as you kicked and began scream.

"Babe it's me, it's Leon." You relaxes your muscles as he helped you regain your footing. "You asshole! I can't break these heels, their Celestia's!" He chuckled and pulled you in for a small peck.

Of course his pecks turn into slow kisses, a blush ran across your skin as his goatee tickled your chin. You found yourself slowly melting in as much as it felt right, it wasnt..

You lightly pushed him off you, your lips making a pop sound as you two looked around. Leon pulled you closer, your chest unintentionally pressing against him making a small groan fly from the back of his throat.

"You know we shouldn't be doing this.." you trailed off, a small drop in your stomach made the anxiety worse. "Sayaka she's sweet an-"

You looked down, You made it to the top of the food chain. You were in the position where being treated like shit was suicide.

"Babe!" A shout/whisper interrupted your thoughts once again, this time being Leon. "You know I could just leave her" as he leaned in for another kiss. "No! You can't! What- do you think she's gonna be keen that I'm with her ex?!"

Leon rolled his eyes and went in for the kiss anyways. He slowly guided your bodies to the nearest wall, deepening the kiss.

Unfortunately you two were so busy you couldn't hear the second pair of heels hitting against the floor. You were pushed to the floor, breaking the kiss. Sayaka stood over you as anger fumed her face.

"What the FUCK" Sayaka's screams filled the corridor as Leon rushed to your aid. "It's not what you think-" you put your hand out in front of you, slightly scared of what she might do.

"Your fucking making out with MY boyfriend is what it looks like Y/N!" She stepped closer to you, "Your done." You felt yourself slightly tremble at her words.

"By tomorrow, you better drop or else your history" she turned over to Leon, who was slightly turning red. "And you, Your fucking cheating on me with that?!"

Leon clicked his tongue, narrowing his pale blue eyes. "You know what Sayaka, Yea I did cheat. With someone whose actually worth a shit." Sayaka's face turned into confusion as he started walking forward.

"Someone who actually gives a shit about me, Who doesn't care about my social status or whatever the fuck you think is so important."

A small crowd started to gather just along the corner, Sayaka's eyes started to water as she retreated to her group.

People started to boo and shout at you two, even as far as throwing their leftover food. Leon grabbed you by the wrist and you two made a quick escape out the schools doors.


"Hey," Leon turned to you as the orange and yellow colors displayed across your skin. You slowly glanced over him, his freckles decorating his face from the sunlight.

"What are you gonna do now?" You paused looking down at your crunched up position, finding word to say in the thin grass.

"I don't know, you and I both ruined our statuses and not to mention were probably shunned but the public by now." Leon let a out a sigh. "Why do people care about that shit anyways,"

"What does it matter,

"What should we do now, were like social nobody's." He rested his head slowly into your shoulder, slipping his hand in between your fingers.

"Exactly that, be social nobodys" a small smile slowly spread across your face. "I don't mind being that, as long as I'm with you."


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