(xreader) 46. Class fight

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"So is this how it goes?" Cheez it poorer the special milk into a small pink spoon, making sure not to drip. The white-ish pink liquid swirled before she poured it onto the CD.

The CD absorbed the liquid, shining a ray of bubblegum pink. A quick snippet of a scene played, as the CD player started to glow. Cheez took it off the table, wagging his orange tail on his way. He pressed the CD in with his nose. The two sat onto the couch as the song played.

46Title ~ Class fightWord count ~ 1kPairing ~ Leon x Y/NWarnings ~ fighting, blood, heartbreak-

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Title ~ Class fight
Word count ~ 1k
Pairing ~ Leon x Y/N
Warnings ~ fighting, blood, heartbreak

-Y/N's POV

Me and Leon have been friends for a year now. Everything was well and dandy til that Sayaka bitch showed up. Leon was obsessed with her only because her sing song voice and cute appearance.

I wasn't buying her shit at all, she was just an attention whore. But there's nothing to worry about, right? Leon doesn't have the balls to ask her out and even if he did why would she accept him over all the other guys falling at her feet.

You wouldn't have guessed my surprise when I saw Leon hand in hand with this bitch. The tightening in my throat increased when I saw how happy he was. I tried to convince myself to be happy for him and if he's happy that's all that matters, however the urge something wasn't right kept egging in my head.

The fact that whenever he invites her to see him practice and she never shows up but I do. The fact that she blows him off on dates constantly. I just didn't understand why Leon couldn't see that.


"Hey Y/N" a familiar voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Oh hey Leon," Being Met with his usual playboy grin, I smiled back. But instead of increasing his smile..He frowned. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing really, just I asked Sayaka if she wanted to see me practice again but she said she had to focus for a concert later.." I could see the disappointment spreading in face. "Can you go?" I  figured I was gonna get to the bottom of this.

"I- hmm...Sorry not today..I got to feed my sisters fishes." I thought of a excuse quickly before packing my bag to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow!" I hurried out of the class.

On the way there I ran into one of Sayaka's backup singers. "Hey Y/N!" Her cheery tone throwing me off. "Oh hey! I..thought you guys had a concert tonight, why are you still here?" She looked puzzled the shook her head. "Concert? We don't have a concert.."

It snapped in my head. I said goodbye to the other singer and was on my way around the school. Passing by lockers and classrooms I was sure she had to be here somewhere, however she wasn't no where to be seen. Pretty beat up from walking around I figured I'd just go home, but giggles stopped me.

Peaking over the corner where the giggle came from I spotted it. Sayaka kissing a taller boy, I started to pull out my phone but I heard their conversation.
"That was better than my good for nothing Boyfriend." She continued. "He's pathetic, trying to change his talent. He can't even sing." I felt my legs start going.

I pounced in top of her and held her down by the throat, my right hand punching her hard in the eye. She tried pushing me off but I only strengthen my punches switching from one hand to both. Now people started crowding around us, people cheering me on. Ishimaru rushing in from all the screaming, he pulled me off her, she started to cry as her face bled profusely.

"HE'S NOT TALENTLESS BITCH." Sayaka winced as anger started to form in her eyes. She pulled herself up and wiped her bloody nose, Ishimaru's grip on me got tighter the closer she got. "Then how about this, you and Leon BOTH are talentless. Pieces of garbage who doesn't deserve to be in this school."

A smirk formed on my face as I looked into her eyes. "Oh yeah? Why don't you break it to him yourself." Her eyes widened as she turned slowly horrified. "You really..thought that about me." Leon's voice sounded as if he was about to cry, he looked broken, heartbroken. "Yea, and? Dudes on the street have more talent than you." Ishimaru let me go, I looked up at him and he gave a nod of approval.

I pushed her from behind, stumbling back Sayaka turned around. I rushed in and knocked her to the ground.

- timeskip

After kicking her ass I walked off with only a few scratches, Ishimaru of course yelled at me but let me off the hook for what she said to Leon. I wandered off to the lockers when I heard. Crying? I walked further for inspection to see Leon balled up crying by his locker.

Rushing over I put my arms around him, hugging the sobbing mess. "I thought she really liked me Y/N.." his quavering voice, I rubbed his back in circles trying to call him down. "I know buddy, I know." His tears rolled down onto my shirt as I coo-es the poor boy.

The pink CD slid out of the CD player, Cheez it Chan picked it up. Looking closely at the disc before is shattered in her hands. "The fuck?" Cheez looked up at her. "Well is that the end?" She shrugged looking at the orange spotted dog. He started back intently, they both kept staring until cheez it got an eyelash in her eye.


"Ha bitch, You blinked" cheez looked back and forth between the woman and the screen. Cheez it looked down at his with narrowed eyes. "Don't." She warned however the dog ran up to the screen anyways. "Cya later folks!"

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