Tribe of Terror

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Amber and Elvina brought us to a room with two beds, a bathroom, and a balcony. The room was pretty big if I do say so myself.

"You three will be spending the night here, so make yourselves comfortable," said Amber.

"Thank you so much," I replied while smiling slightly.

"Yea. Thanks a lot." Lucas said cheerfully. Amber just nodded and walked out of the room without another word.

"Don't mind her. She has a lot to deal with, being the leader of the Fairy Army and all," said Elvina, trying to cheer us up.

"No worries. We understand," I replied politely. Right then a fairy wearing an amour came into the room. She had short blonde-white hair with light green eyes which made her look really cute.

Hey Elvi." she said with a small wave.

"Levi! What are you doing here?" Elvina replied while giving her friend a big hug.

"I was actually looking for Amber. It's time for us to guard the main gates," she replied.

"Amber? Oh, she just left a few seconds ago".

"Oh, alright".

"Anyways before you get going, Levia meet Zoe, Lucas, and Opal. They'll be staying here overnight".

"Oh, hey. I'm Levia. I'm part of the Fairy Army." said Levia, introducing herself.

"Hi, nice to meet you," I replied while shaking her hand.

"Well, I have to get going. You guys should get some rest. I'll see you guys tomorrow." said Levia before leaving the room.

"Well, goodnight then. I hope you guys have a good nights sleep." said Elvina while leaving the room with Levia.

"Night," Lucas replied before closing the door.

After Elvina left, I just sighed as I plopped down on the comfy bed.

"Hey, don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of all this." Lucas said after sitting down beside me. Lucas might seem like a childish little boy, but he will always be there for his family whenever they need help. He kinda reminds me of Victoria.

'Victoria. I trust her. I just hope she trusts me.' I thought to myself.

"Yea, I know. Thanks, Lucas." I said after I stopped thinking to myself. We got ready to go sleep after changing our clothes which looked dirty, into our pajamas. I slept with Opal on one bed and Lucas slept alone on the other. Just when I was about to fall asleep, I heard an explosion from outside. The three of us jumped out of bed feeling shocked as ever.

"What the hell was that?!" Lucas asked.

"I'm not sure myself, but it's definitely not a dream,". Suddenly, Elvina came barging into our room out of nowhere. "The palace is under attack. We need to get you to safety," Elvina said while motioning us to follow her. We quickly grabbed our bags and followed Elvina who led us outside the castle. We followed her until she brought us to a hidden cave that was full of fairies who worked in the palace. "Stay here," Elvina told us before running to god knows where. We could hear explosions and guards fighting. 'Amber!' I thought. "We need to help them. You with me?" I asked Lucas who was half afraid and half determined at the same time. He looked at me and nodded firmly in reply.

"Opal, I need you to stay here and protect everyone else. I'm counting on you" I told Opal who just nodded at me. We ran out of the hidden cave, trying to find where the battle was being held. We ran into a couple of soldiers who were badly injured and asked what happened.

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