"What was that, Draco?"

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I woke up with tears in my eyes. I sit up on my bed and wiped away the tears. I turned to my side and saw that the girls had woken up the same time I did. After getting ready, all four of us, including Opal, headed out. It was 12pm sharp at the moment and it will take us 3 hours to reach Mount Leitois. Hopefully, we'll be able to reach Skeleton Island on time.

We were told by Vincent to meet him and the other boys outside the building. So that's where were headed.

"Looks like we're the first ones," Leona stated once we were out.

"Looks like it," Vincent agreed.

"And they say we girls take a longer time to get ready," said Daphne and we all laughed.

After 10 minutes or so, the others arrived.

"So, Vincent, what are we taking to Mount Leitois?" Xavier asked.

Vincent, then, brought out a small remote from his pocket and pressed the only button that was on it. Few minutes went by and nothing happened.

"Is something supposed to happen?" I asked, trying not to laugh and I could see the others trying really hard too.

"I think so but then again, you'll never know when it comes to Vincent," Nico replied making everyone burst out in laughter.

"Haha, very funny guys. Well, you guys can laugh all you want but you're all gonna be speechless when it arrives," said Vincent, ignoring everyone else.

"When what arrives?" Lucas asked. Suddenly, a weird could be heard. It sounded like a machine, if you listened carefully.

"Where's that coming from?" Leona asked while looking around.

"I'll give you a hint. It's not on the ground," Vincent replied with a smirk on his face.

'Not on the ground?'

"Well, then, if it's not on the ground i-" I said but stopped after realizing what he meant. I turned my head upwards and gasped at what I was seeing.

"Holy sh-" Nico almost said when he saw what I was looking at.

"How did yo-" this time Daphne was the one who was lost for words.

"Told you you'd all be speechless," Vincent said with a laugh.

"You outdid yourself once again, Vincent," said Angelo giving Vincent a pat on the back.

"Totally! I mean, a spaceship? I was not expecting that at all!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Alright, let's fly,"



According to Vincent, it would take us around 3 hours to get to Mount Leitois. During the 3 hour journey, I decided to read the book of astrology magic. During our 3 weeks of training, I was able to learn a few transformations. They're powerful, yes, but I just hope it's enough.

I got to the last chapter of the book and when I read the title, a chill ran down my spine.

'When The Darkness Consumes The Stars'

Based on what was written in the book, every mage in this world can go dark. Meaning, their powers can go from good to bad and when it comes to astrology mages.......let's just say, things don't go well. It is said that it's easier for an astrology mage to turn dark when she or he is using their strongest transformation. I've also read a few days ago that an astrology mage strongest transformation is their Zodiac Sign. That means I'll have to always be careful when using my Libra transformation. But I wouldn't worry about since I haven't unlocked the Libra transformation. Or so I thought.



"Hey guys, we're getting close," Vincent spoke from the pilot's seat. When I went over to Vincent, I realized something about the island. It was covered by a pretty thick layer of mist just like how the Fairy Kingdom was. All of us got more and more anxious the closer we got because we knew that two things could happen. Either we enter a whole new world or......we get attacked.

Once our ship entered the mist, a whole different aura could be felt. We could feel the presence of magic and life, meaning something was definitely living here. Something really powerful.

Vincent landed the ship almost immediately after passing through the mist and once we got off, something weird happened to me. Out of nowhere, I could feel the dragon constellation's spirit in me. It was telling me something. It was giving me directions.

"Zoe? You good?" Leona asked with concern.

"I know where to go. Follow me," I said before walking in front of everyone else.

"Wait, wait. Hold up," Vincent spoke. "How do you know where to go?" he asked.

"Draco," I simply replied.

"I didn't know we were in Harry Potter" Xavier stated sarcastically.

"Yeah, what's with all the unknown names?" Nico asked obviously confused and I honestly don't blame him. This was new to me too.

"Draco. The constellation of the dragon. It's talking to me," I replied. "I really don't know how but somehow I can hear it's voice," I continued.

The others eventually decided to follow the voice in my head. Not the wisest idea, I know, but we had to be quick as possible. We had to save Dylan.

We headed east for an hour and one thing we all noticed is that the deeper we walked into the forest, the more dead everything looked. After a long hour of walking into the unknown, we found ourselves standing in front of a huge tree. I mean it was ENOURMOUS!! It also looked very very ancient.

"So, is Zialbirre supposed to meet us here or something?" Nico asked, kinda out of breath after all the walking. The others looked at me, waiting for an answer. I closed my eyes and listened to the dragon in my head.

'In the tree,' Draco, the dragon spirit said to me.

"What? How?" I accidentally said out loud.

"What is it, Zoe? What is Draco telling you?" my brother asked me but I didn't answer him. I walked towards the huge tree and slowly reached for it but when I was supposed to touch the trunk of the tree, my hand went through it. We all gasped in shock, not expecting anything like that to happen.

"A portal!" Leona exclaimed.

"Well, then, let's get going. We have a dragon to meet, in case you've forgotten," said Vincent before entering the portal.

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