More than I know

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I woke up the next day to Opal licking my face.

"Alright, alright. I'm up," I said, laughing while pushing Opal off me.

"Morning," Daphne greeted me with a smile.

"Leona's in the shower. You can go after her," she told me before opening a book she borrowed from the library.

Fast forward to after I was done showering. I decided to wear a pair of black ripped jeans and a blue off the shoulder sweater together with my sneakers. After that, Opal, the girls and I headed to the cafeteria where the boys were waiting for us. Xavier made us all bacon and eggs which caught me by surprise because I didn't know he could cook!

"Where did you learn how to cook?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

He laughed a little before saying "Mom taught me a lot before I left,". Hearing the word 'Mom' made me recall what I had read the day before and I wondered if he knew about it. About her.

After breakfast, all 9 of us headed upstairs to the meeting room.



"Alright, here's the deal. There are 11 hideouts in total, all on different islands but those locations don't matter. The only location we should focus on is The Skeleton Island," he said at first.

"Wait, what? Why?" Leona asked.

"What's happening on Skeleton Island?" this time Angelo asked the question.

"Skeleton Island is where Eldor is gonna execute his plan," he answered, making us all go quiet.

"All wizards from every hideout is gonna be there,"

"Including Dylan," Daphne added.

"Especially Dylan," Vincent corrected. "Dylan is the main person. Without him, Eldor can't execute his plan,".

"So, how do we save Dylan?" I asked. "A little reminder, they're planning on absorbing his magic. So, whatever our plan is, we gotta do it before that happens," said Nico.

"According to my calculations, they'll start at midnight under the full moon but Eldor and all his followers will be at the island at 8 p.m sharp meaning we'll have to leave the headquarters at 5 p.m," Vincent explained.

"Once we're there, we'll have to split up," spoke Angelo.

So, according to Angelo's plan, we'll have to split up into 3 groups. Group number 1 will be Lucas, Nico, and Leona. They're in charge of distracting Eldor and the wizards while Angelo and Vincent rescue Dylan. Xavier, Daphne, and I will be hiding until the battle begins. We're basically the backup group.

"Everyone clear on the plan?" Angelo asked after explaining the plan. The rest of us nodded our heads in reply.

"Good. Now let's start training,"



I went into my room along with Opal and the girls. Our training ended 10 minutes ago and all I wanted to do is have a long hot bath. Leona planned on going to the music room after cleaning up and she asked me and Daphne to come along and we thought 'why not?'. After showering I wore a large-sized white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. I sat on the bed, drying my hair with a towel while Opal laid down beside me.

"You know I wonder sometimes," spoke Daphne who was sitting on her bed.

"What?" I asked.

"What magic does Eldor have?"

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