Gravity Magic?

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Flames surrounded me, giving me strength and life. I closed my eyes and embraced the flames of the phoenix. A new transformation that I was able to unlocked during my three weeks of training.

The vines that were once choking me, burned to ashes in an instant and I was able to spread my phoenix wings

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The vines that were once choking me, burned to ashes in an instant and I was able to spread my phoenix wings. My eyes were the color of fire and my hair was LITERALLY on fire. When I opened my eyes, the first the I noticed was Evanora in pure shock. I smirked knowing that there's no way she can hold down now.

"POISONOUS IVY!!" she yelled, sending a few ivies my way which I burnt before it could reach me but she didn't stop there. Instead, she continued sending all types of dangerous plants my way. And at this point, I wasn't even doing anything. I was just standing there watching all her plants go up in flames.

Eventually she stopped, tired and exhausted from the amount of magic she has used.

"My turn," I said before increasing the flames around me. I spread my fiery wings wide open and raised my hand which was aimed directly at her. She looked at me and then at my hand, knowing that my attack was gonna hit her hard but she couldn't do anything. Even if she tried to block my attack with her vines, my flames would destroy it all anyway.

The flames of the phoenix sent her flying. Literally. When she fell on to the ground with a thud, I waited to see if she would stand back up or even try to but she didn't. I waited for at least a minute or two but she never got up. I flew to where her body was and when I saw her chest rise up and down, I sighed in relief. I never wanted her dead. Even after all she has done, she still didn't deserve death. After all, in a way, she was just protecting Mother Nature.

I looked around and was shocked to see that all five wizards of the Tribe of Terror were on the ground. I immediately flew to where the others were.

"We did it!" Leona exclaimed happily.

I turned to the followers of Eldor who were still standing. There were only a few left but they were smart enough to run away instead of continuing the battle. We didn't bother to go after them or anything. After all, they weren't our priority.

Suddenly, I felt something brush against my leg. I quickly looked down and saw Opal covered in dirt. I knelt down before hugging her tightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded before howling, a happy look on her face. I chuckled before brushing her fur gently.

"You did great, Opal. I'm proud of you," I told her before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"It's not over yet. We still need to find Eldor," said Angelo while brushing of some dirt that had gathered on his jacket.

"Vincent, any idea where he is?" Angelo asked.

"My magic can't sense him at all. It's weird. I've never experienced this before," he replied.

"Is it another invisibility spell?" Daphne asked but Vincent shook his head.

"Even with an invisibility spell, I can still sense the person. But this..," he stopped, confusion written all over his face.

"It's alright. I'll save you the trouble," out of nowhere a voiced boomed, making us turn our heads towards the source of the voice. And there he stood. Eldor. The biggest pain in the ass I've ever seen in my life.

Just then, I noticed something in his hand. It took me a while but I finally realized what he was holding.

"He has the Globe of Dominance," I told the others.

"Very observant, young Adonia," he said with a smirk that made me wanna punch him even more.

"Stop this right now, Eldor! You're outnumbered!" Angelo spoke with a stern voice.

Eldor only laughed at what Angelo said.

"You really think you 9 can defeat me?" he asked before Opal growled, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Oh right, sorry. I meant you too, wolfy," he apologized with a chuckle, making her growl even more. I had to kneel beside her to calm her down, afraid that she would do something reckless.

"I must say, I am truly impressed. You were able to defeat my best wizards and you're still standing. Bravo! Bravo!," he said before clapping his hands.

"You're definitely stronger than Astra, that's for sure,". Our heads immediately shot up after what he said.

"What did you say?" I asked, standing up.

"Oh, right, she's your grandma isn't she?" he asked, as if he didn't already know.

"You fought our grandma?" Lucas asked.

"Fought her? Oh, no, I didn't just fight her," he replied but then stopped for a few seconds.

"I killed her,".

"You're lying!! She's not dead!!" I yelled at him, not wanting to believe his words.

"A year ago, my followers and I came face to face with Astra Liliana. One of the strongest wizards to ever lived. Now, I have to admit that it wasn't fair since there were a 100 of us and just one of her. But she didn't wanna back down, so we had no choice,".

By now, we were all gritting our teeth, our body shaking from all the anger we were keeping inside.

"That's impossible! She can't be dead! We just talked to her a few days ago!" Leoana denied.

"And how did you communicate?" he asked, an eyebrow raised, making us question ourselves.

"She came in a dream, didn't she? Why? She could've came to you but she didn't. Why?".

It was silent, for a while. No one said anything. None of us wanted to believe it but at the same time we knew it was true. We couldn't deny it even if we wanted to.

"I'm so so sorry," Eldor spoke breaking the silence and filling it with our rage instead.

"Are you?!" I barked, anger rising inside me like a tsunami. Tears started to form in my eyes but I'm not sure if it's anger or sadness or both.

"Wow, so angry," he said mockingly.

"I mean if you're so upset, why don't you come and avenge her? Then, you'll be able to see her again once you've failed,"

"YOU ASSHOLE!!" I screamed before flying straight for him, my entire body literally on fire. I could hear the others calling out my name but I didn't care. He killed my grandma. He showed her no mercy, so I wasn't gonna show him any either.

I raised my fist and was just an inch away from his face when something pulled me back and hit me right in the stomach, making me hit the ground hard. Really hard.

"Zoe!" Xavier yelled my name before running towards me.

"What the hell was that?!" I asked. Eldor, then, started laughing to himself.

"Don't you guys know what my magic is?" he asked, a smug look on his face.

'His magic?'

That's when I realized that, no, we don't know what's his magic. The only thing we know about him is that he's an ass, he killed our grandma and he's an immortal. After that, we don't have a clue.

"You have gravity magic...don't you,"

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