Beneath The Ocean

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We were back on the ship, sailing to the Ocean of Brizo. Why? Well, according to Angelo, there's someone who can help us. I was in the cabin with Opal. I wasn't really doing anything other than staring at the ceiling. Just then, both Daphne and Leona came in and sat on the bed with me.

"What are you thinking about?" Daphne asked.

"If I say nothing, will you believe me?" I asked with one eyebrow raised.


I laughed.

"I'm just anxious, that's all," I said with a small smile.

"You know Zoe. Before we left to go on that journey with the others, both of us would always talk about you," Leona said.

"Me? Why?" I asked, curious.

"We loved the idea of having another girl on the team. It's like having another sister," Daphne continued.

I smiled. That was probably the sweetest thing I've ever heard in a long time.

"I'm sorry we weren't there for you," Leona said with a head down.

"Hey, you're here now, aren't you? Don't worry about it," I said before giving them a big hug.

"Come on, let's see what the others are doing,"

Once we came out of the cabin, we saw Lucas and Nico having a sword duel and it looked like Nico was winning. In the end, Lucas was on the ground with Nico's sword pointing at his chest.

"You cheated!" complained Lucas.

"Yea, keep telling yourself that," Nico replied sarcastically, with a smirk on his face.

"I see you guys have been keeping busy," I said with my hands on my hips.

"Lucas said it would be a brilliant idea," Dylan replied with a smirk.

"Oh, I take it back. It's a terrible idea. A very terrible idea," Lucas said, making us all laugh.

"Guys!" Angelo yelled, making us all turn towards him.

"We're here,"

"Angelo, what are you talking about? We're in the middle of nowhere", stated Leona.

I looked around us and realized that Leona was right. We were in the middle of the ocean. No island at sight. I looked back at Angelo, hoping he could give us an explanation.

"Our destination is not above the ocean," he said, then paused for a while.

Then it hit me.

"It's below the ocean," I said out loud.

Everyone excluding Angelo looked at me like I was insane.

"Okay, I'm not sure if I'm the only one who's thinking this can our destination be under the ocean?!" Leona asked, confused as ever.

"Daphne. Zoe. Can you two bend the waters?" Angelo asked. We looked at each other, then at Angelo. We nodded.

"Lucas, I need you to summon a water spirit," Angelo continued

. "Alright then. I summon, Nereida. Spirit of the sea."Just then a spirit resembling a woman appeared.

She wore a dress that was made out of the waves of the ocean itself. She looked at Lucas and bowed her head a little to show respect to her owner. I, on the other hand, transformed into my Aquarius form.

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All four of us, including Lucas's spirit, Nereida, looked at Angelo, waiting for his command.

"Now!" he commanded and with that, we got to work.

Nereida, Daphne and I raised our hands and at the same time the ocean listened to our command and rose up. Then, together we slowly brought our hands down. The huge wave that we had just made, swallowed us all, including the ship. Once we were underwater, we made a huge air bubble surrounding the entire ship. The air bubble enabled us to breathe underwater. After that, the three of us had to continue bending the waters to help move the ship. After a while, we stopped to let the ship move by itself. I turned to my right and was amazed by the view. I could see corals of different colors and aquatic species of different shapes and sizes. A group of dolphins gave us a smile before swimming past us. Fishes of different species looked at us weirdly, probably thinking 'What in the world are these humans are doing here?'. We were all in awe.

"Wow! This place is beautiful!" Leona exclaimed.

"You can say that again," said Nico who still couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"We need to keep moving. We're almost there", Angelo called out.

"Where are we going exactly?" Leona asked and I could tell that everyone wanted to know as well.

"You'll see soon enough. Just keep heading straight."

It got darker the more we moved forward. It was like the light was fading away slowly. I was starting to get impatient by the second. The only thing keeping me from not thinking about our destination is bending the water. There was no way the three of us could keep this up forever. Just when I was about to turn towards Angelo, he raised up a hand as if on cue. We immediately stopped. We all turned towards Angelo who had just got down from the quarter deck.

"No one make a sound. We're surrounded", Angelo whispered and with that none of us moved.

The thing was, we couldn't see anything or anyone but no one dared move.

Then, out of nowhere, soldiers with spears swam through the air bubble and landed on our ship. Yup, you heard me right. Soldiers wearing armors that were covered in hard fish-like scales. Their helmets covered the entire head except for the eyes. So they basically looked like underwater killing machines with spears. We backed up, step by step until our shoulders were touching each other. One of the soldiers, the leader, stepped up towards Angelo.

"Who are you and what is your purpose here?" he asked with a low but strong voice.

"My name is Angelo Naida Blackjack. I'm traveling with my brother and my cousins looking for Vincent Martina Wildwinds," he answered causing the rest of us to look at each other, including the soldiers.

"Follow me".

The soldiers followed their leader outside the air bubble and swam to the front of the ship. Nereida, Daphne and I started bending the water again, in the direction of the soldiers.

"Vincent? You didn't tell us we were looking for my brother!" Nico exclaimed.


It looked like we were going deeper into the ocean. No one said or asked anything but I'm pretty sure everyone was dying to know where in the world those mermen were taking us. We kept moving downwards until we reached a shipwrecked. It looked almost completely destroyed. I looked at Daphne to see her reaction and she had the same reaction as I.

"Does Vincent live here?" Leona asked Angelo with a worried look.

"Nothing is what it seems. You'll see what I mean," he replied, making us ten times confused.

We watched the soldiers swim towards the shipwrecked and then, they disappeared. Literally. I'm not even joking right now. They just went through the shipwreck. We were all taken aback.

"Okay, what just happened?!" Lucas exclaimed.

Daphne, Nereida and I looked back at Angelo for a signal to either turn back or move forward.

"Keep going," and that was what we did.

As we came nearer to the shipwreck, strong energy could be felt. Then, in a split second, the ship disappeared into an invisible portal.

All of us along with.

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