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We headed back to the palace, right after the battle was over. I did have injuries but it wasn't that serious so I decided to just let it heal by itself.

"So, are we gonna celebrate or what?" Elvina asked excitedly.

"Of course, we are. That was some epic battle, Zoe." replied Lucas with a huge smile on his face.

'What about my brother and the others? That was the main reason we came on this journey' I thought in my head for a while.

"Sorry, but we can't." I spoke suddenly. "

What? Why not?" Lucas whined while he furrowed his eyebrows.

"We're on a mission. Remember?" I told him calmly.

"Oh, that can wait. We can still stay one more day." Lucas said to me and this made me very mad.

"Lucas! At least you knew about your sisters. I didn't even know I had a brother until a few days ago!" I yelled, a little too loud. By now, all of them were silent.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Lucas apologized with a sigh.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for yelling." I said calmly. Then, I realized that all three fairies were silent for too long.

"What's going on?" Amber asked curiously. That's when I told them the whole story, from the beginning till the present day.

"Wow. You guys have been through a lot, especially you, Zoe." Levia said after hearing everything. I just nodded with my head down.

"That's why we can't stay for too long." I replied.

"Don't worry, we understand. But I think I can help you," Amber said with her hands on her chin. The five of us, including Opal, looked at her weirdly.

"Follow me." Amber spoke again while leading us to somewhere in the palace.

"Amber, where are we going?" Elvina asked shyly while looking around.

"You'll see." she replied bluntly.

We kept on following her until we reached a small wooden door which looked older than the other doors in the palace. Amber, then took out a key from her pocket while sliding it in the keyhole. She finally opened the door without making any noise an stepped in.

"Come on in." she said while motioning us to enter. The five of us walked in while looking around and observing the room. It was pretty small and it looked antique and old like no one has used it for years.

"Is it just me, or does this room look creepy?" asked Lucas while whispering to me.

"Nope. You're right.", I replied while whispering back.

Amber turned on the light switch so that we could see everything more clearly. There was a small desk in one corner of the room with some books on it. There were also many bookshelves with many books of a different kind, and at the bottom of those shelves were many scrolls. I was so confused, and I can't be the only one who wanted to know the reason Amber brought us here.

"Why did you bring us here, again?", asked Lucas, getting more freaked out.

"I have a feeling that some of the things here can help you on your quest of finding your siblings." she replied with one hand on her hip. Meanwhile, I started taking interest in one of the bookshelves. I'm not sure why, but I felt a little connection with one of the scrolls, which one I don't know. I went towards the bookshelf and reached my hand out for one of the scrolls. I took a hold of it and just stared at it like I knew what it was about, even if I haven't opened it yet.

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