The Green Gem

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At first, everything was a blur but then, in a split second we were somewhere else. Some other place that felt more lively and more magical. The blue sky was clear and the sun was shining ever so brightly.

"Where are we?" Leona asked.

"The true home of Zialbirre," Vincent replied.

"I thought he lived on Mount Leitois?" Lucas asked.

"Well, technically speaking, this is still Mount Leitois. We're just in another realm," I answered.

"Yea, she's rig-" but before Vincent could reply we heard a deafening roar. It was so loud that even the ground started shaking. Magical creatures could be seen running away from the east to west. All trying to hide before it gets them and when I say it, I mean Zialbirre of course. How do I know that, you ask? Well, for starters, the only creature that can roar like that is a dragon and the only dragon here at the moment is.......well, you know.



We stopped in our tracks when we came to a cave and a huge one at that, if I might add. Of course, no one dared to go in. We all just stared at it, waiting for the others to make the first move.

"What are you guys waiting for exactly?" Vincent asked.

"I could ask you the same thing, Vince," Nico stated, earning a glare from his older brother.

"Let's just admit that none of us wants to come face to face with a dragon," Xavier spoke and even though no one said anything, we were all admitting it in our heads.

"Alright, come one let's go. Staying here's not gonna help us save Dylan," Angelo, finally said before walking towards the cave. The rest of us followed behind.

Angelo was just about to step inside the cave when we were all blown back by a huge wind attack coming from inside the cave. We all got up groaning in pain, confused as ever.

"What in the world was that?!" Leona yelled.


"I think your question has been answered, Leona," I replied, knowing exactly what was in there.




The ground shook each time. In fact, the whole world shook. Well, that's what it felt like anyway.

Then, out of the darkness of the cave appeared a gargantuan dragon with forest green colored scales that looked firm. His wings? Huge with scratches and wounds after every battle he has faced. His teeth? Sharp as razor, stained with the blood of his preys. So was his claws and talons. Last but not least, his eyes were golden and it was filled with fury and anger.

He looked down at us as if we were just insects. His glare made me even more scared, if that was even possible. All of us tried our very best not to show the fear and anxiety in us but we were failing terribly.

"The hidden mages," his voice boomed out across the entire forest.

"Y-you know us?" Lucas managed to speak.

"Of course, I do. The goddess told me you were coming,"

"So, it's true then. You have the sapphire with you," spoke Angelo and in reply the dragon god nodded his head.

"Where is it, then?" Vincent asked with an eyebrow raised. The dragon only turned his towards the cave without saying a word and we all understood immediately. It's in the cave.

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