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"Smart boy," said Eldor with a chuckle.

"Let me show you an example of what I can do,". He raised his hands and I honestly didn't know what I was expecting but then, he did something bizarre. He dropped his hands and for a few seconds nothing happened but then it hit us. Hard.

Gravity literally knocked all of us to the ground and when we tried to get up, we were knocked back down. I couldn't move at all. My entire body was stuck to the ground with pressure pouring down on me like being directly under a waterfall.

Then, it stopped.

The pressure was gone but the pain was still there, alright. Every muscle of body was exploding in pain. It took all of my strength to look over at my brother and my cousins who were in the same situation I was in.

"I-I c-can't m-move," said Lucas, barely able to even speak.

"Y-yea, m-me neither," spoke Dylan, trying to move his feet by failing.

"What the hell is this magic?" I managed to ask.

"That was gravity magic, my dear one," Eldor replied even though I clearly wasn't talking to him.

After what felt like a long time, I was finally able to move my legs. I grunted out loud while trying to get up on my knees and I saw that the others were trying too.

"Huh, impressive. You can still stand," he stated in amusement while watching us struggle to get back on our feet.

"Alright that's it!" Nico blurted out before raising his hands to use his magic but something happened before he could do anything. We were now floating. In midair. We looked at each other, baffled. I was just about to say something when a shit ton of pressure hit us again but this time we were sent flying to the right. Before our bodies could hit the ground, we were sent flying the opposite direction. We all groaned when our bodies finally hit the hard ground.

"This sucks!!" Nico yelled, clearly annoyed.

"Oh, this is fun!" Eldor exclaimed while laughing.

'So, this is what he meant when he said he would throw us around like rag dolls,' I thought in my head.

I was trying to get back up using my arm to push myself up, when I heard a whimper. I turned to my left and saw Opal...bleeding.

"OPAL!!" I screamed before reaching a hand towards her but I was too weak. My hand dropped, not having the energy to move at all. I turned my head towards her to see where she was injured. It took a while but I, then, realized that it was her leg that was bleeding.

"Opal, it's gonna be okay!" I assured her but honestly I didn't know if that was true or not.

She looked at me and when I made eye contact with her bright blue eyes, I saw pain, sadness and fear. Lots of fear. Using Lupus's powers, I was able to talk to her telepathically. I wasn't able to move physically but I was still able to use my powers mentally.

'Opal, listen to me. It's all gonna be alright,' I told her.

'I'm scared, Zoe,' she said and just then, I swear I saw a tear roll down her face.

'I know, I know. But it's gonna be okay. We're gonna make it outta here,' I assured her again.

'Listen, Opal. Here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna crawl to you and using Virgo's powers I will heal you. Once you're healed, I want you to run,' I explained but she cut me off.

'And leave you here?! NO! I'm not leaving you!' she exclaimed.

'It's alright. I have a plan,' I told her which was true. I did have a plan. I just didn't want Opal to be here when I execute it.

'You do?' she asked and I physically nodded slowly.

'Alright, I'll do as you say,' she finally said which made me sigh in relief.

"Aww, poor thing," said Eldor, snapping me back to reality. I slowly crawled towards Opal since I wasn't able to stand and once I reached her, I immediately used all of my strength to heal her. It wasn't easy, I will admit that. She was injured badly and my condition didn't make it any easier to heal her but eventually, I managed to do it.

"Run!" I told her, immediately after her injuries disappeared and that's exactly what she did. She sped off, not turning behind even once, which was exactly what I wanted her to do.

"Hoping to get help, are you?" asked Eldor but I didn't answer. 1. because I didn't need to and 2. because I was too busy trying to get up while ignoring the pain bursting through every muscle I move. Eventually, I was able to get on both knees. I looked up at Eldor who was watching me closely, waiting for me to make my move.

"Zoe. Don't do anything stupid," Xavier called out but I blocked out his voice and every noise around me. I cleared my thoughts while breathing in and out and focused only on one thought.

'Libra. The constellation spirit of balance and harmony. Come forth,'



A bright light filled my mind.

At first, I thought that it was the Sun but I, then, realized that my eyes were closed which meant that the light was coming from within. I was no longer on my knees. As a matter of fact, I could no longer feel the ground itself. I was flying using a pair of white wings on my back. Yes, the constellation of Libra had given me wings, as well as, a sword and a golden scale.

I opened my eyes and looked at Eldor who was surprised at first but his shocked expression was replaced with a smirk

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I opened my eyes and looked at Eldor who was surprised at first but his shocked expression was replaced with a smirk.

"You think Libra can defeat me?!" he growled before hitting me with the pressure attack he used on us before this but this time I wasn't knocked down.

"What?! How?" he asked in disbelief.

"Did you really think that you could knock down a spirit of balance?" I asked with a chuckled.

He grumbled something under his breath before raising his hands but this time, he was facing the others. Before he could send an attack, I flew to where the others were and created a shield around us. Right after creating the shield, pressure poured down just like before but only it didn't hit us this time.

"Okay, quick question. When are you guys planning on using the sapphire?" I asked not breaking the shield.

"We have to do it together. Otherwise, it won't work," Vincent explained.

"Alright, Zoe? On the count of three, you're gonna break the shield," spoke Angelo and I nodded.

Everyone stood up, getting ready.





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