Chapter 1 - The New Kid (part 2)

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  As they continued down the railroad path towards the junkyard, El thought about when she learned to ride a bike.

  "Go on, you can do it, that's right, keep your feet moving!"  Mikes voice was encouraging "Yeah, that's it"  she was doing it! She was riding a bike on her own! She thought about all the times she rode on the back of Mikes bike, she could finally ride on her own! While she was lost in thought, she lost her balance and ended up kissing the dirt. Oh no! She thought she was getting the hang of it. Mike came over and helped her up, she tried again and again until eventually she got it!

  They dropped their bikes of and decided to walk the rest of the way, Mike and El fell behind the rest of the group. Mike put an arm around her waist and pulled her in close, knowing she was nervous about school tomorrow. El loved being in his arms, she thought about the year that she spent away from him, she couldn't lose him again. Ever.

  A crow cawed in the distance and El abruptly stopped, breathing heavily. As Mike turned towards her, concerned, she took three deep breaths and continued walking. They walked in silence for a couple of minutes before Mike asked what happened back there. El just said she didn't know, but Mike could tell she was lying, he didn't want to press, so he just let it be.

  The junkyard came into Wills view and they all started to run. They stopped by the old bus and waited for Mike and El. The past few days they had been busy tearing the seats out of the bus to build themselves a hang out.

  As Mike an El caught up, Max said "I'm gonna go look around for any furniture we can use, El do you want to join me?" Eleven refused, she was not going to go with Max, but Will had recently told her that Max had been wanting to talk to her, so she decided she would hear her out. Reluctantly, El followed Max.

  As they walked Max began to talk
"Hey El, I-"

  "You don't call me El" Eleven snapped

  "Sorry, Eleven, I don't know what I've done to make you hate me so much, I just wanted to say sorry for whatever I did"

  "Your easy to hate. You shouldn't know about me" that was all that El said

  "What do you mean I shouldn't know about you?! Lucas and Dustin decided to tell me because they thought that was best! And I'm easy to hate? I have done nothing to you, yet you won't speak to me and I'm the easy one to hate!" Max was almost yelling

  "No, Just Lucas"

  "I just wish you would give me a chance!"

  "You have it easy, your pretty, have friends, can talk, not starting school tomorrow."

  "I could help you with all that! I was new last year, just give me a chance"

  "No" El stated, then turned and walked away while muttering "mouthbreather" under her breath. She went back and rejoined the boys, leaving Max all alone

  As she was back at the bus helping tear the seats out, they heard a scream in the distance. Max! To her own surprise, she was the first one up and running, Lucas close behind.

  A large cloud of smoke appeared above the car do Max was hiding behind. What was that? It appeared to be alive. Will stood a ways back. Frozen. "El! Do something" Lucas screamed. El was frozen, should she help this girl, who tried to steal Mike away from her. She could very easily not help her and things would go back to the way they were, before her and Lucas got back together.

~after Max and Lucas broke up~
  It had been close to a month since Max broke up with Lucas, and it had been the worst month of her entire life. Everyday she went to school feeling empty. She had no friends and was still being pushed around all the time by Billy. She longed to run into Lucas' arms and feel his presence, but all she got was a cold shoulder from him. Would they ever be friends again?

  The cloud started to make its way towards Max, it was slowly creeping toward her. Max was terrified. "Help! Help me!!" She shrieked. Her life was about to end. She tried to run, but her feet wouldn't move! She was frozen. The cloud started to wrap around her, the sun was starting to disappear. Now was the time her life would end. El had to make a choice.

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