Chapter 7 - The Plan (part 3)

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Steve, Jonathan, Mike, and Nancy arrived at the Byers household. Everyone except Jonathan got out of the car just in time to see Joyce unlock the door and open it, they were too late. There was a gasp from inside as Joyce took in the reality of what had happened. They rest of them raced inside. Mike gasped too.

Nancy and Steve pretended that this was the first they had seen the house like this too.

Jonathan had stayed in the car and was going to go pick up the rest of the kids. He put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. There was a car sitting parked a ways from their driveway. Jonathan just assumed that one of their neighbours was having friends over and thought nothing of it.

He drove down the dark roads until he reached Dustin's house. He got out of his car and walked to the door to find Max, El, Lucas, Will, and Dustin -who had decided to come too- waiting for him. He didn't bother to explain to them why he was late, he just ushered them all into the car, eager to get back to his house and find out what was going on.

They all loaded into the car and Jonathan began the drive back home. The car was still outside the driveway, but once again, he thought nothing of it. They all got out and went inside. El entered first and heard the last tidbit of a conversation.

"In Chicago." Came Joyce's voice. It then paused, hearing the door open.

Chicago. That sounded familiar, where had she heard that before. A lightbulb flicked on in her head. That was where Kali lived! She was eager to find out what was in Chicago, so she walked into the living room, noticing the mess all over the floor. She didn't mention it though.

"What about Chicago?" She asked, when entering the living room.

Everyone paused. Joyce and Hopper shared a concerned glance. El froze. Why did they all look so worried?

Hopper stepped forward, taking a deep breath. He put a hand on her shoulder in a fatherly manner.

"El...Dr. Brenner...He's...Alive." Hopper informed

Her face grew angry. " alive?" She asked. Everyone nodded. The rest of the people who were entering the doorway froze.

Her head tilted down, and suddenly a tree from outside fell with a crack as blood began to drip out of her nose. She ran out the door. She stuck out her hand and lifted a large stick into the air with her powers. With a scream she threw the stick as far as she could into the distance. She kept screaming as the stick hit the ground. Slowly, her screams turned into sobs and tears
began to fall from her beautiful brown eyes.  The rest of them had now come outside and we're standing watching from a ways away.

Mike and Hopper both rushed forward to be with her as she began to crumple to the ground. She saw them both coming and turned to face them as she was falling. They were both almost to her now. She had to choose witch one she was going to go to.

She opened her arms and turned to face Mike as he rushed into her arms. She clutched the back of his shirt as her  fists balled up in anger. Mike hugged her back tighter than he ever had before, he never wanted to let go. She shoved her face into his neck as tears ran down, soaking them both.

"Mike." She squeaked out, relieved to have him here.

"Shhh, I'm here." He hushed as he rubbed her back in circles. A couple tears escaped his eyes too. He hated seeing her like this, he couldn't imagine what it was like to find out that your so called 'father' who had tormented you since you were born was still alive.

Her breathing eventually slowed and her torso stopped heaving with every sob. She slowly pulled away from Mike. He planted a kiss on her temple before letting her go. They both stood up from their heap on the ground.

Wiping tears from her eyes, she turned to Hopper. He opened his arms and took her into a strong embrace. He was a little bit jealous that she had turned to Mike in her time of trouble instead of him, but he didn't let it show. She rested her head on his chest and he rubbed her back a couple of times.

"I'm sorry El, I'm so sorry." He whispered to her. She pulled away again, sniffling. Hopper put his arm around her shoulder protectively like a father and led her towards the house. Mike followed close behind.

The rest of the group had gone back inside by then. They had turned the couch upright, along with a few chairs in the living room, and were sitting on them. They all immediately looked up to see El, Mike, and Hopper walk into the room. Hopper let go of El and stood at the front of the living room as Mike and El went and squeezed into the couch.

"Okay, I think we're all wondering what is going on." He began.

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