Chapter 7 - The Plan (part 5)

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"Everybody get to a car!" Joyce screamed. Everyone was still. "Now!" Joyce demanded.

Quickly, everyone got up from their seats and ran outside. There were three cars there, Jonathan's, Joyce's, and Steve's police car. Jonathan got into his car, he had given his mother her keys back when they arrived at the house, so Joyce got into her own car. Hopper still had Steve's keys, so he got into the drivers seat of Steve's car. The rest of them split up and jumped into different cars, they had all realized what was going on because they could see and hear the cloud.

Hopper drove out first, in his car was Max and El.

Jonathan followed behind Hopper. Steve, Dustin, and Nancy were in his car.

Joyce came last, with Mike, Lucas and Will in the backseat.

Nobody had put any thought into which car to get in, they had just all jumped into one of them. Three sets of  wheels screeched as they pulled out of the driveway. Hopper was leading the pack, he had no idea where he was going, he just had to get them out of there.

They were driving along a road with forest on either side, when something moving on the side of the road caught Will's eye.

He pointed out the window. "Isn't that your little sister Lucas?" Will asked.

"Oh ****, it is!"

Joyce screeched to a stop, opening her door and yelling. "Get in!"

Erica recognized Joyce, and her, along with a friend raced into the backseat after Mike had pushed the door open. They slammed the door and Joyce sped up again, catching up to Hopper and Jonathan.

Lucas turned to Erica. "Erica, what the hell, your supposed to be sleeping right now, not wandering the streets in the dark with a friend!" He lectured.

"Well your supposed to be at a sleepover at Mike's, but are you asleep at Mike'!"

"It's not safe to be wandering the streets in the dark, don't you remember..." He trailed off, realizing that Will was sitting right in front of him. "Why were you out there anyway?"

"I saw you leave, and you didn't go in the direction of Mike's, you went the opposite, I had also seen you packing your bag with weird stuff, like an empty ziplock container. I can tell that you are up to something, I wanted to know what, oh and Jessica was sleeping over." She motioned to her friend.

Joyce was thinking in the front seat, she couldn't leave the rest of the group to go drop Erica and her friend off, also, she knew that Lucas would get in trouble too because Erica would tell on him, she decided to just bring the two to wherever Hopper was leading them, then decide what to do.

They had now entered the outskirts of the city.


Billy and Robin had driven as fast as they could to get away from whatever the heck was in the sky. They had pulled off into a parking lot to figure out what had happened and what to do next. Suddenly 3 cars zoomed past. A police car was leading.

"That's them!" Robin shouted pointing to 3 speeding cars. Billy put his car in reverse and backed out, planning to follow them.

They followed them down the road, back out of town, until the cars began to turn, they all turned into the parking lot of the Hospital/Army base.

Once again Billy parked just outside of the parking lot. With two slams of doors, Billy and Robin got out of their car and hid behind some shrubs. They peered through the branches, watching as the 11 of them piled out of the cars.

Robin noticed a redhead climb out of one. "Isn't that your sister?" She asked.

"Step sister, and yes, what the hell is she doing out?!" He roared quietly.

The two of them emerged from the bushes and walked to where the cars were parked. "Maxine!" Billy yelled.

Max turned at her name, muttering a curse word. Billy marched up and grabbed her arm, starting to lead her away.

"Billy no! Leave me alone!" She screamed, trying to pull away. She twisted and yanked, trying to get her arm free, but Billy was stronger.

Hopper saw what was happening and stepped in. "Whoa Whoa Whoa, let her go." Hopper instructed, putting his arms in between Billy and Max to separate them.

Billy released her as the door to Steve's car door opened, out came Eleven. She was pulling a handkerchief off of her head and you could hear static from the radio escaping the car. "She's in there, Sarah is in the lab." She stated, distracting everyone from the fact that Billy and Robin showed up out of the blue.

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