Chapter 1 - The New Kid (part 5)

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Eleven was thrilled! Almost every class she was with a friend, and First period she was with Mike! Sadly she was also with Max first period. The bell rang and her and Mike headed towards the gym, with Max following close behind.

Soon after they arrived, the teacher began to talk and explain some stuff about phys ed. To her advantage, the boys had told El about gym class, so she was able to follow along with what the teacher was saying. Then the gym teacher opened up boxes and started pulling out matching clothes from them. A grey shirt and blue shorts. They called them a "gym strip." What the heck was a gym strip? Then, to her surprise they started handing them out to everyone. El leaned over to Mike and said "I already have clothes." Mike chuckled and promised to explain more later.

History and Geometry went by pretty fast. The teachers were mostly talking about the rules, she had already heard them 3 times. No eating, no talking while the teacher was talking, raise your hand, blah blah blah.

Finally it was lunch time. Lucas and Dustin, who were in El's geometry class, showed El to the cafeteria, where they met Mike, Will and Max. They had all brought money to buy lunch. El didn't understand what was going on so she just followed Mike and got everything that he got. When they found a table Mike explained that you just order what you want to eat. As they sat down to eat, Nancy and her friend Lanna came over to see how Mike and El's first day of high school was going, taking away El's chance to talk to Mike and ask questions about what the gym strip was, and other things that she wasn't sure about. El waited patiently to talk to mike but then the bell rang and they had to go to class, guess she would have to wait.

Next came chemistry. El walked into the room to find that the only person in the class she knew was Max. She sat on the opposite side of where Max was standing, but when the students were asked to take their seats, Max sat right in front on El. After the rules lecture, Mr. Rhubal asked everyone to get into lab partners, whatever those were. Immediately, Max turned around and asked El to be her partner, El looked around but almost everyone else was already in partners. And she might as well be partners with someone who knows about her powers, and her life in the lab, that way they will understand if she is behind the other kids. So reluctantly, she agreed. Chemistry was probably going to be the worst subject this semester.

After that she had English, with Mike again! She was so happy to see him, the day had been a little overwhelming. "Hey, hows the day been" he asked

"Okay" she replied, and went on to tell him about getting partnered with Max in chemistry.

Before Mike could say anything the teacher came in telling the class to settle down, so they took their seats.

After English, the party met up by the bike racks and went over to Hawkins middle and found Mr. Clarke in the AV room. His class had gym last period every day so he could do some more advanced AV stuff with them, and also plan with them what to do with the new AV club members.

"Mr. Clarke!" Dustin said enthusiastically when he saw him.

"Hey guys, how's high school going?"

They answered with "okay"

"Is this Elenor?

"Umm, yes, I go by El"

"Oh ****" came Dustin's voice in the background.

"Dustin, language!!" Mr. Clarke exclaimed

Dustin leaned over to Mike. "Well, you are now dating you're second cousin" he whispered jokingly, so that Mr. Clarke could not hear

"Shut up Dustin." Mike retorted

They got to work on planning for the younger students who had their first AV club meeting in 2 days. They were going to teach them about the parts of a camera, and then get them to film a movie trailer! After that Mr. Clarke went to get some stuff planned for his other classes, so Mike and Will showed El how the slightly burned Heithkit actually worked, instead of just for contacting the upside down. El enjoyed hearing how many other people were on the same radio.

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