Chapter 8 - The Takedown (part 5)

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I'm going to change up the way I write a little bit for this last chapter. I want to switch between the different groups of characters more so I will be writing chunks about half the size as usual but there will be more of them. I will also label the groups with who is in them and what they are doing so you don't get confused.

~Max, Mike, Dustin, and Will~
~captured by the bad men and handcuffed in the lab~

The door closed and Max, Mike, Dustin and Will could hear footsteps throughout the hallways as Dr. Brenner and Dr. Owens led Hopper down the Hallway

"Okay. Let's move." Came the only feminine voice in the room.

"Umm, kinda stuck here." Mike commented.

"Not for long." Max informed. She opened her fist to reveal a shiny bobby pin sitting in her hand.

"Woah!! How'd you do that?" Dustin exclaimed.

"Magic." Max said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

~about 15 minutes earlier~
They heard the two guns click from behind them. The five people turned to reveal two elderly men standing there with guns loaded and aimed right at them.

Immediately, an idea popped into Max's mind. She could hear them say something about girls, but she wasn't paying attention to them. She could see out of the corner of her eye Hopper and the boys raise their hands in surrender. She slowly began to raise hers as well. As she did she brushed her hand against the back of her head for a second. Her hand was there just long enough to grab hold of a bobby pin that was pinning a small braid backwards.

As she kept moving her hands upward she manoeuvred it into the palm of her hand and bent her fingers down a little to block it from the view of the two men.

When the men shoved them into the room, Max put her hands down and made them into fists to keep the pin safe. They handcuffed her hands without a second glance, no one had noticed her grab the pin.

Max began to get to work on the handcuffs around her hand with the pin. This was rather challenging but after a minute or so she figured out how to bend her wrist to get it in the right position to get the bobby pin into the keyhole. Eventually after she wiggled it around enough she heard a pop as the handcuffs opened and fell to the floor.

She twisted her body to the other side and inserted the bobby pin into the keyhole. With another pop the handcuffs fell to the floor again and she was free. She quickly scurried around the room and undid the handcuffs of the boys. Once they were all free they tip toed over to the door and put their ears against it. It was silent.

They creaked the door open the slightest bit and Will peaked his head out. All clear. He nodded to the rest of the group. Thy opened the door more and one by one slipped out of the room silently.

As they snuck to the exit Dustin spoke up. "What is there's a booby trap hooked up to the door?" He whispered, mostly joking

The other three shushed him, trying not to laugh at his comment.

They made it to the door leading outside and pushed on it, they made it through with no problems.

They all high fived each other when they made it out.

"What about Hopper?" Will asked, realizing they left him behind.

"He'll be fine, he can handle those men on his own." Mike explained.

The group took off towards the road. Free.

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