Chapter 8 - The takedown (Part 7)

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~Steve, Robin, Kali, Lucas, Erica and her friend~

~Steve and Robin were going to drop off the rest of them at the pumpkin patch with Hopper, then join the other older teens to lay out bait~

As the car pulled up to the pumpkin patch, they all hopped out. Hopper should be here any second now. They  decided to stay here until he arrived.

The group began to search around for where the portal was. They searched for about 10 minutes until finally finding a spot where the ground dipped a little bit lower than everywhere else. This must be it.

Hopper still hadn't shown up. Where could he be? They had no idea where he was, he should have come right after this group arrived. Steve decided to grab some stuff out of his car since it looked like he may have to stay here for a while.

Luckily Steve still had all of the supplies that him, Jonathan and Nancy had bought when they went cloud hunting.

He was just pulling the fire extinguishers out of the trunk when he felt someone walk up behind him. He turned to see Robin standing there.

"Steve, there's something I've been wanting to tell you. I- I..." she couldn't find the right words.

Suddenly, she leaned forward and pressed her lips into his. In shock, Steve pushed her away, but she leaned in again, this time Steve didn't fight back. He kissed her back. Slowly, their lips fell apart from each other.

"Robin." He whispered. Then he remembered something. She was dating Billy. He quickly stepped away, shaking his head. You- You have a boyfriend."  He tried to keep his voice low so the others didn't hear.

"I-I know, but Billy, he's just not right for me."

"Yeah? Well neither am I. I am not interested in you!" He told her.

He totally regretted kissing her. What would Billy do to him if he found out. Steve already knew that he could not beat Billy in a fight. Although, the kiss was really nice, and Steve actually kind of liked it, he only thought of one person while they were kissing. Nancy.

Just then the sound of a car engine startled them. It must be Hopper!

The car came into view and it was not Hoppers, it was Billy.

Jonathan, Nancy and Billy all got out of the car.

"Where have you guys been? You were supposed to meet us halfway!" Nancy exclaimed.

"Hopper never showed up so we had to stay." Steve explained. He avoided looking at Billy.

Billy, with a cigarette hanging out of his teeth, walked over to Robin and put his arm around her shoulders.

Steve had trouble not cringing, he actually felt bad for Billy, knowing that Robin tried to cheat on him.

Together, the now 9 of them waited at the pumpkin patch, hoping Hopper would show up before the cloud.

I'm sorry, this chapter sucked! It is probably the worst chapter I have written, I just couldn't find a way to make it interesting, the next one will be better!

Also, I may be kind of slow updating because I have a bunch of exams this week and next week that I need to study for.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and I will make the next chapter better!

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