Chapter 2 - The Deputy (part 2)

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Nancy stepped outside the back door of her house. Wearing a backpack, with a gun and a bat in it. She was going to find this "cloud" Mike had told her about. She peeked around the side of the house to see Jonathans car parked, and she could hear him ringing the doorbell, but she didn't want to see him right now.

  Nancy left before he could see her. She headed off in the direction of the junkyard, only she decided to walk on the road instead of the train tracks. She thought the road was faster. Mike was convinced that the train tracks were. She knew that she had to pick up Mike at 8, so that gave her an hour and a half. She finally reached the junkyard. Now how to get its attention? Meat. She had brought some leftover steak from last nights dinner. She layed out the three pieces and waited about 20 feet away. Her watch ticked down.

  About an hour had passed. She began to worry that she should not have come to this alone. She should have just made up with Jonathan and then he would be here. She wondered if she should head back when suddenly a large cloud appeared above her. When she saw it she realized that a bat and a gun would do nothing to it. That was a problem. She hid and hoped it wouldn't see her. It didn't even touch the meat, instead it slithered around through the air. If it didn't come for the meat, then what did it come for? Then it hit her. It was here for her.

Nancy realized she couldn't hide from this beast for long, so she got up and started running as fast as she could. She forgot her backpack at the junkyard, but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was get away from that thing. The cloud was not as fast as she would have thought, but it was faster then her. It was gaining on her. Nancy tried to scream for help, but she was running out of breath. She didn't know how much longer she could go for.

The cloud had almost caught up to her when a police car rounded the corner, but it wasn't Hoppers. It screeched to a stop beside her and out of the car jumped...Steve? In his hand he was holding a huge red bottle. Was that a fire extinguisher? He took hold of the hose, aimed at the cloud, and squeezed the handle, fire repellent went all over the cloud, surrounding it, with a shriek the cloud took off back in the direction of the junkyard. Nancy ran out of the cloud of fire repellent and straight into Steve's arms. Steve paused for a second, surprised, before letting his arms wrap around her. Nancy broke away while gasping "You saved my life, thank you!"

  "Well, I couldn't just let you get eaten by a cloud."

  "What were you doing here?"

  "Dustin gave me one of those walkie talkie things a couple months ago, I don't use it a lot but I had it sitting in my car. Dustin's voice came on and he said that he was biking to Will's house and thought he saw you heading towards the junkyard, he then told me what happened there the other day, and I couldn't just leave you there alone. As I was on my way there, I saw the cloud in the air, and you were running below it. So I used the fire extinguisher I had just picked up for the police station to scare it away, guess I'm gonna need to get a new one."

"yeah, by the way, what's with the police car?"

  "You haven't heard? I'm Hops new deputy, Powell just moved away, so I took his place. Speaking of Hop, I just heard he was rushed to the hospital"

  Nancy gasped. "Mike was at Hops house!"

  "Come on!" Steve said, getting in his car. Nancy got in and they made their way towards Hoppers home.

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