Chapter 1 - The New Kid (part 4)

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The Next morning El awoke, feeling like she was gonna be sick. She went out to the kitchen to find Hopper making breakfast. She told him she wasn't feeling well. He laughed and told her it was just nerves. She went and got showered and put on her best outfit, a blue shirt with a jean jacket over it, and a pair of black jeans. She was going to Mikes and Nancy was going to help her with her hair and makeup, and show her a few tips and tricks.

  She was feeling less nervous then when she woke up, so she went into the kitchen just as Hopper was putting breakfast on the table. Eggos. This was a special occasion, Hopper wouldn't let her eat just Eggos anymore, but he bent the rules for the first day of school. She smiled as she put whipped cream, strawberries and syrup on top. With her fork in her left hand, she dug in. It tasted like heaven.

  "If your going to start school next year you're going to need to learn to write" Dustin told El. The boys showed her how to hold a pencil and she already knew how to read so writing would be easier. She tried and tried but nothing she could write was legible! Later that night while she was at home, she picked up a pencil and started writing. 'Hi my name is El.' She wrote that three times in a row with no trouble whatsoever. She could actually read what she had wrote! The next day when she was hanging out with Mike and Dustin, she showed them. They were amazed! She found it easier to write with her left hand! She must be left handed! But then something dawned on them, she uses her right hand when she is using her powers.

  "Ambidextrous. That's what it's called when you use both hands equally" Dustin Stated. The group concluded that she must be Ambidextrous.

  After breakfast they got in Hoppers truck and drove to the Wheelers house. On the way, Hopper reminded El about some of the things she needed to remember at school. "If someone asks if El is short for something what do you say?

  "No, it's my middle name."

  "And if someone asks how you got to Hawkins?"

  "About a year ago my Mom and Dad died in a car crash. I now live with my Uncle Jim. I was homeschooled for the rest of last years school year."

  "What if someone asks where you lived before now?"

  "Stanstead, Quebec, I spoke French so I'm still getting used to English"

  "And how am I related to you?"

  "You were my Dads brother, and my mom was french speaking from Quebec."

  Hopper was impressed. She was ready for school. He thought about Sarah and how Sarah never got to go to school. Sarah would have loved school, she was a brilliant kid.

  They arrived at the Wheelers house and Nancy rushed to the door, excited to do El's hair and makeup. "Come, come! You can see Mike in a couple minutes" Nancy said, excitedly. She took El's arm and pulled her up to her room. Hopper went into the living room and sat down. He was going to drive her and Mike to school and the rest of the party was going to meet them there. Nancy had also decided to ride with them, since she didn't want to ride with Jonathan after their fight. So much for coffee and contemplation. Karen brought him a cup of coffee and made small talk with him, before hollering at Mike to get up.

  Upstairs Nancy showed Eleven how to use a foundation brush, and let her try putting on some, they had gone shopping earlier in the week to find the right colour, and get El some brushes and sponges, but this morning she learned how to use them. Nancy showed El how to curl her eyelashes, El was a little bit afraid of the eyelash curler. Next came mascara. After poking herself in the eye the first time, they had to restart, but then El got the hang of it. After that Nancy showed El the blush brush, and where to apply it. Foundation, blush and mascara was all that they used, she didn't need all of the other makeup. Now onto her hair. Nancy had braided it while they were doing her makeup, then she ran a straightening iron over the braid to make it wavy. She pulled back a few strands of hair on either side of El's face and put them into a rose shaped bun at the back. The perfect look.

  El looked in the mirror and was stunned. She looked beautiful. It reminded her of the snowball. There was a knock on the door and Nancy opened it to find mike standing there. "You look beautiful" he said when he saw El. El chuckled, that was the same line he used at the snowball.

  El took Mikes hand and they left Nancy's room. Nancy sighed happily in the background. They walked down the stairs together as Karen ran to grab her camera. She came running over to snap a couple photos of their fist day of high school. They were freshman, and moving to the high school. Mike rolled his eyes and Eleven giggled.

  On the ride their Eleven asked Mike some questions about math and science that she wasn't clear on, the boys did their best to catch her up over the summer, as well as Hopper had been somewhat homeschooling her while she was hidden. When they arrived at school, Nancy went to find her friends, while Mike and Eleven found Dustin, Will, Lucas and, of course, Max waiting out front. Together the six of them went in to face their first year of high school.

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