Chapter 8 - The Takedown (part 1)

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This will be about Kali again. (Short Chapter)

Kali was exhausted on the drive. She had never used her powers for this long. Lucky for her, Dr. Brenner was mostly silent for the drive. About 45 minutes from Hawkins, his breathing evened. Kali glanced over to him to see that he was fast asleep. With a sigh of relief, she let herself turn back to Kali, instead of Lorraine. She grabbed the box of cleanex from the middle compartment in her car. Trying to wipe up the blood from her face.

As she neared Hawkins, she realized that she had no idea where she was going. She had never been there outside of the lab. She just continued down the main road, following the signs that kept saying how far away Hawkins was.

She began to hear some stirring from beside her. A groggy Dr. Brenner awoke just as she put her powers back on. "Turn here, it's faster." Was the first thing that came out of his mouth Yes! Kali thought, he was taking her on a shortcut, so she didn't have to pretend she knew where she was going.

They arrived at a tall x shaped building with three cars parked out front. Kali wasn't entirely sure what to do next. She didn't know where Hopper and Jane were. And how was she supposed to get into this building? She didn't have any keys. As they made their way towards the building Kali noticed a door to the side, missing a handle. Bingo.

Straining her powers even more, she mad the doorknob look fully intact. She walked up to it with Dr. Brenner and made it look like she was swiping a key card while she reached in and unlocked the door. Thousands of images of pain and anger swept through her brain, reminding her to stay strong using her powers even though she felt so drained.

She led him inside and peeked in the dark doorways. One of them held a large table with several chairs surrounding it. A conference room. Perfect. She led Dr. Brenner inside and told him that she would be back with some other people in a few minutes. Then Kali scurried our, closing the door behind her.

She let out a sigh of relief again as she let herself stop using her powers. Her head was throbbing and her hands were almost shaking from exhaustion.

Wandering the hallways, she eventually found a staff room with a mini fridge and a sink. In the cupboard she found a glass and filled it five times full of water. She then found an apple in the fridge and ate it in about a minute before moving onto the next apple. The food and water helped her feel better, not so dizzy.

She sat down on a couch in the staff room and without meaning to her eyes drifted closed. Within seconds she was fast asleep.

After sleeping for nearly half an hour, she was awoken by a faint sound upstairs. She could barely hear it, but she was able to make out that it was the scream of a little girl.

She was up and out of the room before her mind had processed what was happening.

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