Chapter 2 - The Deputy (part 3)

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Mike helped El to her feet and took her inside. He sat her on the couch and made her a glass of steamed milk. Her favourite drink. She sat on the couch the entire time. Silent. The reality of what she had almost done set in. Once El was settled. He walked outside to find the paramedic sitting on the steps.

  "How is she?" The paramedic asked

  "She's okay now. I'm sure she didn't mean to scare you." He paused "You don't have to stay here by the way, we'll be okay."

  "I actually do, if there is anyone left at a place that an ambulance is called for that is under 16 someone has to stay unless a responsible person over 16 is present. But we are also not allowed to take you anywhere without permission of someone over 16. Is there anyone else you can call, a friend?"

  "I can call my mom."

  "I didn't realize Hop got married."

  "What?" Mike asked, confused.

  "Didn't Hop adopt you and your sister? After you parents were killed in a car crash?"

  "What? No, just El."

  "Isn't she your sister, I just thought by the way you treated her..."

  "No, she's my girlfriend." Mike smiled, he had never actually called her that. Sure his friends constantly called her his girlfriend, and he knew that she was, but he had never actually said it out loud before.

  "Oh, I'm sorry." The paramedic apologized. "Why don't you go call your mom. I'm Robin, by the way"

  "Mike, and the girl is El."

  Mike led Robin inside and offered her coffee. It looks like Hop had just made some before he passed out. It was still warm. He got the phone and phoned his mom. No answer. Wasn't Nancy there? Where did she go? It was still another 45 minutes till she was supposed to get here, and she was usually late. He put down the receiver and led Robin into the living room.

  "El, this is Robin, she has to stay with us until someone over 16 is here." El nodded. Robin sat down on the lazy boy chair.

  "That's daddy's." El hissed.

  "I'm sorry!" Robin said as she got up and moved to fold up chair sitting off to the side.

  "El, I'm really sorry I couldn't take you with your dad."

  El nodded, but said nothing. Mike moved in beside her and put an arm around her shoulders, she leaned her head on his shoulder and asked, "Did you call your mom?"

  "She didn't pick up, I guess we will have to wait for Nancy to get here."

  "Joyce would come."

  Mike realized she was right. He ran to the phone and dialled Wills number.
"Hello?" Came a voice on the other end. It wasn't Joyce.

  "Will." Mike said.

  "Oh hey Mike, why didn't—" Mike cut him off.

  "Will, I'm sorry but I need to to talk to your mom, right now!"

  "My mom? Why?"

  "Just put her on!"

  "Okay, okay...Mom, the phone!." Mike could hear Will yell.

  "Hello?" Came Joyce's voice.

"Mrs. Byers..." Mike went on to tell her what happened and she said she would be there immediately

Mike, El, and Robin waited silently in the living room. El squeezed Mikes hand so tight he thought she might cut off his circulation, but he didn't care. Suddenly the door burst open. It was Joyce. "Thank you miss for taking care of them, but we need to get to the hospital, do you want a ride?" Robin excepted her offer and Mike and El climbed into the backseat of her Ford pinto. Dustin was sitting in the back already. Will who was sitting in the front climbed into the back to make room for Robin. The four of them squished on the three person seat. On the way to the hospital, Mike and El explained to Will and Dustin what happened, leaving out the part about El almost killing Robin.

  They pulled into the parking lot of the Lab, which had a hospital wing. It had reopened, but now served mainly as a hospital, and military base. At least that is what they told the public. They entered and Joyce signed them in at the front desk. Robin led them into a small corridor and they found Hopper lying unconscious in a hospital bed. Elevens eyes filled with tears when she saw him. What was wrong with him?

  Robin left the room for about half an hour, and then came back with a clipboard in her hand.

  "The doctors are still running some tests, so I will let you know if they find out anything. In the meantime, I suggest trying to find ways to stay busy. Make sure you get lots of rest and stay hydrated. We have a kitchen downstairs, that actually makes pretty good food, for a hospital anyways. Just show them these passes," She handed them all passes that said 'GUEST' in bold letters on them. She continued, "and they can make you pretty much anything you would like. If you have any questions or need me or a doctor for anything just press the button next to the door." She walked out of the room and left them sitting there. Mike and El had learned that she was just a nurse, not a paramedic for ambulances. She was usually the one that went along in case of small children being there. She was mainly a nurse at the hospital though.

  Mike, Dustin and Will took El for a walk, because she had trouble watching Hopper lie there, helpless. After the three of them left, Joyce leaned forward and gently grabbed Hoppers hand, she held it in her own as a single tear drop rolled down her face.

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