Chapter 7 - The Plan (part 6)

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Note: this chapter will take place in Chicago and will be about Kali

Kali leaned against the wall of her apartment after hanging up the phone. Jane's Dad had told her to find a friend to help with this, but she didn't need one. Hopper did not know about her powers. She grabbed her keys and walked out the door slamming it behind her.

She walked down the stairs of the apartment building and into the parking lot. She got into her car and turned the key. The engine roared to life. She backed out and began to drive towards the neighbourhood of the address Hopper had given her.

In the past year, Kali had made several changes to her life. She had seen how Jane was able to remain kind hearted after all that she had been through. She had also talked to Jane a few times and was secretly jealous of her life. She had an actual family. She was experiencing what it was like to be normal.

Kali wanted to have a chance to live like Jane. Kali began to feel remorse every time she killed another lab worker, just a like Jane had. Kali has not ditched her friends entirely, but she had moved out. She found a nice little apartment a few minutes away and was able to purchase it with some money she had kept hidden. She got a job as a receptionist for a doctors office and bought herself a small car. For the first time, she felt happy.

She had realized that killing off the people who hurt her was not making the pain go away. She made a clean break from the killing. She still hung out with her old group all the time, but they were no longer a murderous gang. Without Kali wanting to kill those people, the rest of them had no reason to either. That is why Kali was not going to kill Dr. Brenner when she got there, but she still wanted him in jail, a little bit of the thirst for revenge was still there whenever she heard his name.

Kali turned into the Westland community. It was filled with gigantic houses. They all had big automatic gates at the front. She drove past the streets, Westland road, Westland way, Westland street, finally she reached Westland avenue.

As she drove up the road slowly, she looked for each house number 67, 69, 71, 73, and finally 75.

Kali hesitated before taking off her seatbelt. Was she really going to go face the man who had tortured her for the first 10 ish years of her life? Could she really handle seeing him? As much worry as she had was overtaken be her need for justice (and a little revenge.)

She opened her car door and stepped out, a cool breeze hitting her face.

Her footsteps echoed quirky as she crawled through the gate and up the steps to the mansion.

Taking a deep, shaky breath, she lifted her fist and rapidly knocked on the door 4 times.

After almost a minute of waiting, the door finally creaked open. There stood an all too familiar face, it brought back so many memories of pain and sorrow. Kali stuck out her hand for him to shake.

"Hi, you must be Dr. Martin Brenner." She stated, even though she already knew who he was.

Cautiously he took her hand, shaking it. "Yes, who are you?" He asked in his eerie voice, sending shivers down her spine.

She had been using her other hand to cast a different face upon herself, one that he would not recognize. She was now an older brunette with glasses.

"My name is Lorraine, Lorraine Jones." She had not thought of a name ahead of time, so she had chosen her name from the two most recent movies she had seen. Lorraine was from back to the future, it had just come out the past summer, Jones was from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. it was a few years old, but one of her favourites. She continued talking. "I'm from the Hawkins Department of Energy, I have some important news for you."

He invited her in eagerly and she sat on his couch. His house was not big, and was fairly messy.

"What did you want to tell me?" He asked.

"Well, the girl, we think we have figured out her whereabouts, and we need you to come to Hawkins immediately. I was sent by the Lab to pick you up and take you there." She lied.

He agreed to go along with her. Before he walked away she asked a question. "Wait. Can I borrow your phone for a second, I just need to tell the lab that we will be arriving later tonight." She lied again. He agreed and pointed to the phone before disappearing into the hallway.

She walked over to where he pointed and picked the phone up off the wall. She dialled Janes number. No answer. Where had Jane gone in the past hour? She had hoped to talk to her or Hopper about where to take him.

She decided to pretend to be on the phone anyway. "Hello, it's Dr. Jones... yes...we will be leaving here shortly...we should be arriving around 12:30 if you could have everything ready...yes that would be great...okay see you later, goodbye." She hung up the phone after her her fake conversation just as Dr. Brenner came out of the hallway in his usual suit, he was carrying a briefcase and a suitcase.

They walked outside and got in 'Lorraine's' car, after Kali went to the bathroom. She could feel the blood from her nose dripping down her face, but she had made it so Dr. Brenner couldn't see it. She had to get that cleaned up and take a little break from using her powers before they hit the road. This was going to be a long few hours.

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